• •New Player Help Center• •

Day 437, 07:09 Published in USA USA by John C

Welcome to a Special Edition of The Catalyst! Please spread the word and get this to Top Rated!
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Home Page
When you log in you will always arrive at the "Home". On this page you will fin😛

NEWS: These are articles that have been written by other players on topics about the game. This is a great way to find out what is going on in eRepublik. If you don't understand by reading, you can contact almost any player that sounds knowledgeable, or write a shout, which I will talk about later.

Be sure to go to the Latest and International categories too!

SHOUTS: These are one of the most helpful things in eRepublik. All you have to do is write a message and press shout and it will show up in the "friends", "Everyone", and possibly the "Official" category. You can ask questions and others will most likely answer you either via another shout or a Private Message. which will be explained later.

Shouts are also great to advertise your articles or something else.

TO DO LIST: This is also sometimes found on the Home page, only if you haven't worked or trained today, it will then tell you if you have done that or not. Also, it will alert you of other things like your new abilities.

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Your wellness is a very important thing, and can be hard to keep up at the beginning. But in order to keep wellness up you must eat food. To eat food go to the market button on the top of the screen then click "market place". Here you can decide what quality food you want (the higher the quality the better your wellness will be). Once you buy it, the food will go into your inventory and your player will eat it automatically.

Your wellness also affects how well you preform at your job. Let's say you have 50 wellness you will only supply half the potential workforce you could. This is why it is important to keep it up. Your employer might often help you with your wellness via gifts (things that improve wellness) in order for your better quality at work.

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To Train:
Go to army>Click "Train"> Window will pop up > Click Begin > Answer the Trivia > Then see your results and exit.

Every time you train, it increases the damage you do in battle.

To Work
Go to Company> Click "Work"> Press Begin > Answer Trivia > See your results and collect your pay by pressing "exit".

To find work of course you go to Human Resources. Then there are three types of jobs,

Manufacturing, Land, and Construction

Your skill in each goes up when you work at a company that is either Manufacturing, land, or construction.
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Common eRepublik Abbreviations

PM - Private Message
Org - Organization
ATLANTIS - Alliance that the US is in.
PEACE - An alliance against ATLANTIS basically.
eRep - eRepublik
Sub - Subscribe
Vote - Vote at the top of the article
Pertamax! - To be number one or post the first comment
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Helpful eRepublik Newspapers

Joe DaSmoe's "Everyday American"

UncleSam's "The Patriots Ramblings"

John C's "The Catalyst"

Department of Education's "Education Today"

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Helpful People

Now, I know this article does not cover 100% of the game, but I will continue to edit it and make it better. But it also helps to talk to a real person, so if you need help here is a list of reliable people:

John C
Joe DaSmoe
Chahk Noir
Jaz Razzle

Feel free to send them a PM with a question! (You can just click their name to start to go to their Profile)
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Rizon IRC Chats

The IRC is a major way the people of eRepublik communicate.Click here to go to the Rizon.net irc.

😛opular Chats=
#usa-chat (eUSA's Chat)

#education (Department of Educations Chat)

#us-help (Welcoming Committee Chat)

#aap_party (America's Advancement Party's Chat)

#us-np (Nationalists Party Chat)

#uswp (United States Workers Party Chat)

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Helpful Wiki Pages

eRepublik Wiki's Tutorial

eRepublik History


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Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to play eRepublik!