[New Era] Congress

Day 2,131, 12:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sven Goran Duran-Duran


Firstly, thank you to all those who voted for me for PP. It's a great honour to lead this party again.

I'm now looking for people to help me lead New Era. If you want to me a member of the Council of New Era, just send me a pm.


TUP congressmen rush to the lobbies after Kravenn calls an early vote

It's that time of month again and I want as many of you in Congress as possible.

If you want to be a member of Congress, please apply in-game and drop me a pm stating why you think you would be a good Congressman for the party.

An article in-game certainly wouldn't hurt either.

Also, if you're keen on being put forward as Speaker, just let me know.

Leadership Team

Once the applications for Congress and the Council are in I will pick a Councillor, Sec-Gen etc. from those that have applied.

If you want to get involved in any aspect of New Era, please don't hesitate to contact me direct or come find me on IRC @ #NewEra

Sven Goran Duran Duran, DSO
Party President of New Era