[New Citizen] Meet LORD KRISHNA

Day 3,180, 18:52 Published in Canada Serbia by Nyx Lynx
Lord Krishna is new in eCanada and I had wanted you all to meet him. He is one of the guys I've instantly liked because of his energy and making things on erep more fun. We do go way back even before my Nyx account and he used to be known as Shockwavve.

He knows how to pick energy up, build a team, strategize and has been fantastic with newbies especially. I have respect for this guy and his brazen attitude to stand up for himself.

1) How do you feel being an eCanadian?

LK: Same as you

2)What do you want to say to all the eCanadians?

LK: Greetings.

3) What module are you most interested in?

LK: Military / foreign affairs

4)Are you willing to sacrifice, shed your tears, sweat, blood and other fluids for eCanada?

LK: Plz inform first about "other fluids"

5. We want to make eCanada a strong nation. Any ideas?

LK: Retain good members in eCanada ..........and make me dictator

6 ) I know your ability to organize military and engage the players especially the newbies. Will you help Canada out in the military?

LK: If time permits and assistance is required , I am willing to help

7) Craziest person on erepublik?

LK: Hamturk ( not active anymore now)

8 ) Three people you hate in the game

LK: first one is banned , second one also banned , third one also banned

9) Three people you love in the game

- N.E.E.L
- Narasimhaa ( xordin)
- Perrin Aibara ( eDead now)

10. Motto for life:

LK: Future belongs to me

11. What makes you scared?

LK: too many exams

12) If you won $100 million today, what would you do?

LK: I will deposit it in my bank account with my other $10 Billion

13) Revenge or forgiveness?

LK: Vengeance

14) Have you ever been abducted by Aliens?

LK: yes...she told me her name as Nyx Lynx and took me to eCanada

Nyx Lynx: Should have taken him to Neptune

15. Ideal man/woman?

LK: havent found yet ......will report as soon as i did

16. Message to Plato:

LK: Plato , can i have ur account for a day?

If you have any questions to ask Lord Krishna, please do so in the comments below.

Reflecting on human kind,

Nyx Lynx

PS: I had taken this interview 2 days ago and thought I'd post it today anyway. MOAN is going to be scrapped due to a few reasons that I might give you next time.