【總統府報告】 關於目前的NE eJP一案說明 / About NE eJP [CN/Eng]

Day 1,585, 22:36 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by reChing



  又到了要選舉議員的時候了,當初eJP承諾我們將會努力ATO eSKer的政黨,但eJP的CP主動連繫我,告知情況並不樂觀,目前eJP國內的SK政黨已經是國內第四大黨,雖然eJP還在努力,但並不能保證可以把他們給ATO掉。

  這個政黨是Rilakkuma KOJAN
  他們的黨主席Ernesto Jeon也在昨日的eSK起義戰中輸出:http://i.imgur.com/O1VRK.jpg





CP of eROC
Day 1585, March 24,2012

English Version:

Hello, to all Citizens of eROC(Taiwan), I am reChing.

In this month we have had some peaceful and promising interactions with eJapan. Thank you all for your hope for making this possible.

However, the election time is now approaching; eJapan had promised us to have ATO against our enemy, but as it seems now the ATO attempt is unsuccessful. We admire and respect the contributions and attemps of eJapan citizens on this, but there are things in which we would always find unacceptable no matter what.

Rilakkuma KOJAN, a party led by a Korean, is now in the top 4th place in eJapan; their party president, Ernesto Jeon, fought against in the Korean RW yesterday (http://i.imgur.com/O1VRK.jpg); moreover, their party member, rythemdj, have also dealt over 3 million damages (http://i.imgur.com/LzizP.jpg) in the RW, causing us to have extreme concerns about that particular party; therefore it has been decided, that it's an enemy of eROC(Taiwan), war-oriented, and that it's existence is against all attemps made by either eROC(Taiwan) or eJapan for peace.

Thus, after having a discussion, we have decided that, if this party is able to successfully nominate congressman, we once again will propose Japan as natural enemy again. We respect attemps of other eJapan citizens on wanting peace, so this will not be a total wipe, and eJapan will get region back soon again; it's just so that eJapan would have no congress, to ensure that no enemy of ours get elected.

We will once again re-annouce the fact that, we do wish to have a peaceful relationship with eJapan, but this wish has continuously been interuppted by those of whom wish for war. "Thanks" to the "successful" attemps of Koreans in eJapan, it seems like we might have to do what we have to do for this month, in regards to the eJapan congress. I would urge Koreans to leave eJapan alone, for the only thing you will bring to that nation is destruction. Do not cause more chaos and conflict in a nation in which we try to make friend of.

CP of eROC
Day 1585, March 24,2012