[NAP] Time for a Change...

Day 1,277, 17:10 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oprah Winfrey

There comes a point in the life of any organism, institution, or idea when it’s influence ceases to fill it’s former niche. As with nature, nothing is wasted; the energy from the end of one life supports and strengthens another. In this manner, it is evident that nothing ever dies—it is merely transformed.

I am of the opinion that New Africa has reached its inevitable conclusion. The party has been winding down for months now. We don't even have our organization anymore. What we need is something new, something exciting. What South Africa needs is an enriched political environment; a fresh and relevant leftist party.

I am messaging each current member of NAP to vote on this decision:
Party members will vote publicly on this article whether or not to allow for this revolutionizing.

Either voice your opinion that the party should remain in its current format, or voice the opinion that the party should be completely remade.

I invite all non-party members of South Africa to express their opinions and allow for suggestions on what our next political chapter should be.

Personally, I’d like to bring back the Black Lion Front, but different. (New Black Lion Front, anyone?) But I’m interested to hear what you all think. It’s time to unleash the collective social imagination in the creation of a new institution.

Take my hand, and together we’ll embark on a social journey. Take my hand, and together, we’ll jump into this leap of faith.

If not for society’s sake, do it for boredom’s sake. We need something fresh and exciting. Something to log on for.



Party President of New Africa