[My Thoughts] The finale...

Day 1,202, 22:56 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

Theme Song; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsCp5LG_zNE

So here stands my last and final article on my series that I thought would never make it past my second article. I now, sadly present to you all, the end of such series and in fact, the end of my eLife.

The usual cute picture for Miss Wolf, I hope enjoy the last one to be displayed.

'The gun clicks, loaded, it is ready.'

Now before everyone goes, 'sore loser' - STOP. Just read on as I explain my reasoning and then make your judgement, regardless of what it is, I have always been open to such views.

Firstly congratulations to sir_c0nstant for his winnings in the election I wish him the best from one person to another. I hope he makes the right choices in the future and leads the nation into another age of great success.

'The chamber is poised at its target, where it shall end an eLife.'

Now as for myself, I am leaving this game due to the lack of hope that there is now for this nation. It is controlled by a minority corrupting the majority. For this I see no time to hang around to continue fighting it, I tried and failed. I now see my real life as more important and hence, I am leaving. I am starting the later years of my education where I need to concentrate to achieve my life goals. I need to move away from fantasy to a real life, where it really counts.

The game holds almost no enjoyment any more. The forums are filled with hatred and cruelty it makes me shamed to be an Australia. There is nothing left for me here. I planned change, eAustralia is not ready for it and it will not be until the current members that dominate the nation are overthrown or simply leave.

I appreciate the friends I have made from all parties and all walks of life. It has opened my eyes to so much more that is important in life. I hold no grudges and only fond memories of the enjoyment I have had, but it is time to move onto another area of my life.

eAustralia is not ready for change, it has shown that, until that day I wish it the best. Hold tight my supporters, someone will rise out of the smoke and lead you to a new age.

I resign from eRep, from my positions and say goodbye.

Ex- ADF General 1st Regiment
Ex- Senator
Ex- Cabinet Member
Ex- DIYPA Member
Ex- AMP Member
Ex- Knighthawks Member

I shall see you guys around o/ Go and embrace life, it is the only one we have and make the most of it.

'The gun fires, the bang shatters the cold silence. It falls to the ground, finished its task. Flatty is no more. No one will know of what has happened nor will he be found until the stench reaches the neighbours.'