[My Thoughts] The eAustralian Spirit is there

Day 1,170, 23:02 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

Before I engage everyone with my fantastic writing skills I would love it if you could all listen to this song, or listen and read as it sets the mood that needs to be created for such an article.


Now last night I witnessed such an amazing event, one that has touched me deep inside and to my core as a human being. It was the generosity, the spirit and faith of eAustralians that make me proud to say, I am Australian.

Now many may know I attempted to claim my first Battle Hero medal in the Otago conflict vs. eChile. I have a very low strength, and a low influence infliction yet the faith others placed in me, was beyond imagination.

I cannot remember exactly how it all started, mainly cause I had left over tanks from the war previously with eChile I decided to burn them up. Doing so, placed me as the Battle Hero and with a decent influence level, so I thought, heck why not lets take my first Battle Hero and end that damn mission!

So sure enough, here I was trying for my first Battle Hero. I managed to catch Mack Craft on IRC and asked him if he was going for it. He said not if I wanted it and that he would back down. This showed great care for others and a massive self restraint. I admire someone with those qualities. But mark my words it didn't stop there, and you will find out later what else this miraculous mate did.

So here I was holding my BH spot enjoying the glory. Now I knew, what a fruitless operation this will be and I really didn't mind if I lost at this point. Until suddenly an allied eCroation begun hitting and almost doubling my influence. Here I thought, right it is all over, but I will see if he will stop hitting. This Croation I would soon find out was an excellent person and quite considerate. He did stop hitting. This also showed me what great restraint this lad had.

So I had burnt out my weapons and food. I managed to get some supplies from ADF (my daily rations!) However I was low on the weaponry. Until Mack Craft came back onto the scene and donated me 2 tanks for hitting. I was stoked. What legend, giving a fruitless operation 2 tanks for FREE knowing pretty well I was going to loose. But I was not going to go down not trying!

So here I was taking my way back to Battle Hero. Day change occured and I took my spot as BH back. Then suddenly, I see Hinokai coming through the ranks, I panicked and contacted him on IRC to see if he would stop. The generous person that Hino is, stopped and showed great restraint too. Mind you he was maintaining his influence to take the spot if I got knocked out.

I was free again, and holding my spot. I was weapon and foodless. But another great Aussie stood up, venja and offered me some weapons (for a price). A rescuer he was indeed! I know had the weapons, and needed to food.

About now was when disaster struck. An american, begun hitting, and hitting hard. He took the BH and I frantically asked him to please stop! He refused to (with a rather rude mail back) and took my BH. I wasn't far behind. But I had no food. Sam Cougar then came to my rescue.

Donating me great food and excellent encouragement, I took back my spot. But i had no weapons left. Now again, Mack Craft offered me some weapons, I told him I would loan them and him back with the winnings if I got them. He said not to worry and just do your best. What... a... legend.

I had so many people, watching, caring and encouraging me to keep going! I overtook the american but the damage was done.

The Croatian saw I had lost my spot, and begun hitting hard again. He took the BH, i mailed him frantically but it was too late. Once he received my message he held a too higher influence. Following this, the american begun hitting too. It was lost. All over.

I told Hinokai to go nuts and take the Battle Hero. He certainly did.

So I felt pretty bad, I lost my BH and let a lot of people down. But there was no hard feelings, or negativity, only advice and encouragement.

I later spoke to the American and Croatian following the battle. They are both on my friends list now and we got to speak quite well to each other.

Now the eAussies that helped me, continued to encourage me, throughout the whole thing and never giving up on me, it was a great night and I can't express how appreciative I am of what you guys did.

So there we have it. The eAustralian spirit came through a group of very nice and very generous people that gave all and asked for none. I look up to great people like that with such initiative and kind spirit to others. Shown through a game or through RL in the floods and now Yasi.

Australians are caring, gentle and honourable people and I am proud to be... Australian.

Thank you guys you made my night, my day and my life.


Rounds on me!