[MVP] - Novi mandat, novi izazovi

Day 1,759, 12:13 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office


Dragi gradani i gradanke eHrvatske!

Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova eHrvatske ovaj mjesec je u nešto manjem sastavu nego prošlih mjeseci. Ministrica je (ponovno) Atea, a doministar Djani Ujkan Marich. Zahvaljujemo Predsjedniku Argrobu na ukazanom povjerenju, te se nadamo uspješnom mandatu. Kako bi mandat bio uspješan prvenstveno nam treba pomoc svih vas, jer jednom davno sam napisala u ovim novinama "Svaki eHrvat je veleposlanik". I to je istina. Pa cak se i oni koji nisu eHrvati, vec imaju državljanstvo neke druge zemlje stavljaju pod povecalo zbog svog RL nacionalnog identiteta. Na tu temu cu se vratiti nakon što se ponovno osvrnemo na promjenu u radu Ministarstva.

U svakoj Vladi, pa i Ministarstvu je važan kakav-takav kontinuitet. Mi eHrvati smo po tome poznati. Naša vanjska politika je stalna i bazira se na povjerenju i odanosti. Ne mijenjamo saveznike preko noci, a pogotovo se ne upuštamo u kovanje tajnih planova iza leda naših saveznika. eHrvatska je jedna od zemalja osnivacica EDEN-a i kao što je jedan od "starijih" eHrvata rekao u doba stvaranja NWO, tj ONE "Ako treba ostati cemo u EDEN-u kako bi ugasili svjetlo". Kako ne bi bilo zabune, EDEN se mijenja, prilagodava se, mijenjaju se ljudi na celu saveza, ali nacela povezanosti zemalja clanica ostaju ista. EDEN nije ni mama ni tata, a pogotovo ne skrbnik eHrvatske. Mi smo EDEN, naša rijec i naš glas u savezu vrijedi koliko i svaki drugi. Zašto ovoliko pišem o EDEN-u? Iz jednostavnog razloga što se spominju nekakvi "balkanski savezi" i slicno. U ovom mandatu toga sigurno nece biti. A vjerujem ni u buducnosti, jer to bi srušilo temelje ove eDržave. eHrvatska ne bira svoje saveznike kao poslovne partnere vec kao prijatelje i zato su bitke u eHrvatskoj epske, zato postojimo i zato opstajemo.

Svaki eHrvat je veleposlanik

Koliko god se pronalazite u toj recenici, toliko nam trebaju Veleposlanici koji ce predstavljati eHrvatsku u drugim eDržavama. Posao nije zahtjevan ni težak. Trebate se upoznati sa zemljom u kojoj ste veleposlanik, pratiti njihova zbivanja i tisak. Ako želite pricati sa gradanima, clanovima njihove Vlade, te prenositi informacije i dojmove nama u eDomovini. Aktivnost se nagraduje tjednom placom. Mnogi, pogotovo igraci koji nikad nisu bili ukljuceni u državne strukture bi se trebali ukljuciti u naš rad bas kako bi vidjeli na kojem principu država funkcionira i koliko jedan pojedinac može doprinijeti. Mjesto veleposlanika je idealna "pozicija" koja može poslužiti kao odskocna daska u stvaranju vase eKarijere. I vaša ministrica, moja malenkost, pocela je kao Veleposlanica u eŠvedskoj, nakon nekih 10-tak ako i toliko dana u igri. Zato, ne treba vam iskustvo, ne treba vam puno online vremena, samo malo volje i interesa. Javite se doministru, Djaniu ili meni na PM ili nas potražite na IRC kanalu #hr-mvp za više informacija. Mala napomena, prisustvo na IRC-u nije obavezno veleposlanicima, ali je zato tjedno izvješce na forumu obavezno. Najbolja izvješca ce se objavljivati u novinama, a aktivni veleposlanici primaju tjednu placu. Trenutno je na forumu test aktivnosti koji ce rezultirati rotacijom, ali i otkazima.

eHrvati ili EDEN kao PTO-eri (?!)

Veliki broj Hrvata (ovaj put bez prefiksa "e") ima državljanstvo neke druge države, zbog bonusa u igri. Vecina njih se i dalje smatra eHrvatima što je priorodno, ali pojedinci su se odlucili ukljuciti u rad Kongresa nekih drugih država, kao Asklepije, ElvenCRO ili Legolas555 u eUSA. Sva trojica su ušli u kongres eUSA, ne jednom, vec više puta kao službeni kandidati eUSA stranaka. Samom tom cinjenicom oni nisu PTO-eri. Takoder, ni jedan od ta tri RL Hrvata nije u eUSA na sugestiju ili po zadatku iz EDEN-a ili eHrvatske. eHrvatska Vlada ne može, ne želi i nece ni pokušati kontrolirati svakog RL Hrvata koji je gradanin Novog Svijeta, eRepublika. Prošli mjesec se naš MVP ispricao eKini za pokušaj ulaska RL Hrvata u njihov Kongres, te ogradio od postupaka istoga. Na takve izolirane slucajeve se nemam namjeru ni osvrtati u buducnosti (osim ako za te ljude nije garantirala Vlada pri dobivanju državljanstva). Ali, moramo reagirati na optužbe koje dolaze iz eUSA, a cak su se pocele širiti i u eBrazilu, kako su Hrvati (neznam uopce misle li na eHrvate ili RL Hrvate) PTO-eri. Kako ne bi ulazili u analizu koliko kojih nacija i eNacija ima u americkom Kongresu, osvrnut cu se opcenito na situaciju u eUSA i u eBrazilu.

eUSA je zemlja kojoj smo nebrojeno puta pomogli u organizaciji ATO-a. Kao jednoj od prijateljskih zemalja sa 10/10 bonusima i eHrvati su mijenjali državljanstvo za americko proteklih mjeseci. U meduvremenu su se u eUSA dogodile politicke promjene na samom vrhu države i eUSA politika se sve vise okrece ePoljskoj strani. Ne kažem strani ONE, vec prvenstveno ePoljskoj (i eŠpanjolskoj, koja je samo marioneta kao i pri stvaranju NWO), jer ePoljska je, kao i pri stvaranju NWO/ONE zacetnik novog saveza. O tom novom savezu moci cete citati u jednom od naših slijedecih clanaka. Kako bi udovoljili ePoljskoj i sklopili savezništvo s ePoljskim saveznicima i prema ePoljskim interesima, eUSA mora okrenuti svoje javno mijenje protiv EDEN-a i dojucerašnjih saveznika iz Terre. Pošto nemaju apsolutno nikakvog razloga za moralno opravdanje prelaska na drugu stranu, osim "for the lulz" izmišlja se prica o PTO-u EDEN-a. Tih 10-tak (da, rijec je o 10-ak od 58 kongresnika eUSA koji su u RL iz EDEN zemalja) se lažno optužuje za pokušaj opstrukcije eUSA. Kongresnici koji se prozivaju kao PTO-eri su na forumu eUSA Kongresa, ponašaju se prema pravilima istoga i ne rade probleme u eUSA kao što su blokiranje novaca ili pokušaj krade iz riznice. Istovremeno u eUSA Kongresu je nekolicina Kongresnika (mislim da je rijec o njih 5) iz nekadašnjih ONE zemalja koji nisu na forumu, ne poštuju pravila istoga, te opstruiraju eUSA. Njih nitko ne spominje. Kao što se ne spominju ni Kongresnici porijeklom iz ex-ONE zemalja koji su u prošlim mandatima mimo svih propisa i pravila dijelili državljanstva drugim ONE igracima, iako je eUSA bila clanica Terre i saveznik zemalja EDEN-a. Naše Ministarstvo je pokušalo stupiti u kontakt s MVP eUSA, ali doticni Ministar na jednostavno pitanje zašto nema MPP-a izmedu eHrvatske i eUSA nije imao odgovora. eHrvatska se nikad nije miješala (osim kad smo zamoljeni za pomoc u ATO) u unutrašnju politiku eUSA, niti nam je to namjera ciniti, ali isto tako necemo sjediti prekrizenih ruku dok ex-ONE lobira i širi prljavu propagandu protiv eHrvatske.

eBrazil, iako ima MPP s ePoljskom i naziva se "brothers" sa eUSA je u potpuno drukcijoj situaciji. Lobiranje iz ex-ONE zemalja je jako i u eBrazilu, ali eBrazil je zemlja koja je poznata po svojoj izravnoj i jednostavnoj politici. eBrazil i eHrvatska i u trenutno turbulentnoj politickoj situaciji imaju odlicne odnose. Hrvati u eBrazilu koji su dobili državljanstvo, a vecina njih uz garancije istaknutih eHrvata ili eHrvatske Vlade, obavezali su se da nece sudjelovati u njihovoj unutrašnjoj politici, što nije slucaj sa eUSA koja je uvijek prakticirala "otvorenost prema svima" te mogucnost kandidiranja "stranaca" na svim nivoima. Pa i samu poziciju ePredsjednika u eUSA je obnašao Hrvat! Možda se neki noviji igraci ne sjecaju Robya Petrica , ali upravo je on osnivac USWP-a, najvece eUSA stranke.

Zakljucno, eHrvatska je otvorena za dijalog s eUSA, te se ogradujemo od bilo kakvih pokušaja PTO-a u eUSA, te tvrdimo da je taj nepostojeci PTO plod ex-ONE propagandne mašinerije, zajedno s propoljskim strujama u eUSA.

Ugovor eHrvatska - eIndija

Prošli Ministar je zakljucio svoj mandat clankom o iznajmljivanju eIndijskih regija. Ova Vlada je dogovor proširila i na regiju Karnataka iz jednostavnog razloga što nam ta regija u slucaju gubljenja regija u eMaleziji ili eTajlandu donosi važan bonus. Zahvaljujemo suradnji eIndije i njihovom gostoprimstvu. U našim azijskim pokrajinama smo se smjestili, ali imat cemo 3 RW-a dnevno, pa ako ste nesigurni što branimo, a što puštamo (uglavnom branimo, iznimne su situacije kad puštamo) dodite na naš kanal i rado cemo pojasniti zapovijedi.

Dear Citizens of eCroatian!!!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs eCroatian this month is a little smaller than previous months. The minister (again) Atea, a deputy Djani Ujkan Marich. We thank President Argrob for your confidence in us, and hope for a successful term. In order to be successful term we need the help of all of you because once long time ago I wrote in this newspaper, "Every ecroat is ambassador." And it's true. And, even those who are not eCroats, and have citizenship of another country they must remember that they are under magnification because of they RL origins . On this subject I will return once again after I announce changes in business of this ministry .

In every government, including this Ministry is important some kind of continuity. We're eCroats are known for that . Our foreign policy is a constant and is based on trust and loyalty. We do not change allies overnight, and especially we do not engage in forging secret plans behind the back of our allies. eCroatia is one of the founding nations EDEN and as one of the "older" eCroats said at the time of the creation of the NWO, later named ONE " If we must we will stay (last) in EDEN to put out the light." In order to avoid any confusion, EDEN is changing, adjusting, people in front of alliance are changing , but the principle of brotherhood of the Member States remains the same. EDEN is neither mom or dad, and certainly not eCroatian guardian. We are EDEN, our word and our voice in the alliance is as good as any other. Why do I write so much about EDEN? For the simple reason that there are mentions of some "Balkan League" and similar terms. In this mandate, it certainly will not be. And I believe even in the future, because it would have torn down the foundation of this country . eCroatia does not choose its allies as well as business partners, but as friends, and because of that battles in eCroatia are epic , because of that we exist and we survive.

Every Croat is ambasador

No matter how much you find yourself in that sentence, so we need ambassadors who will represent eCroatia in another country . Work is not tedious or difficult. You should be familiar with the country in which you are ambassador, track their events and releases. If you want talk with citizens of country where you are ambassadorand talk members of their government, and share information and impressions to us in eHomeland. Activity are rewarded by weekly wage. Many, especially the players who have never been involved in government structures should be included in our work to see how our state functions and how one individual can contribute. Job of ambassador is ideal "position" that can serve as a springboard to create your eCariere. And your minister, began as the Ambassador to eSwedan, after some 10 or something like that days in the game. Therefore, you do not need experience, you do not need a lot of time online, just a little will and interest. Report to the Deputy, Djani or me in a PM or visit us on IRC channel # en-mvp for more information. A small note, the presence on IRC is optional for ambassadors, but the weekly reports is required in the forum. The best reports will be published in the newspaper and active ambassadors receive weekly salary. There is test of activity on forum that will result in a rotation, and firings.

Croats as EDEN PTO-ers (?!)

A large number of Croats (this time without the prefix "e") is a citizen of another country because of bonuses in the game. Most of them still considered them self as eCroats which is natural, but some individuals have chosen to take part in the work of the Congress of some other countries, like asklepija, ElvenCRO or Legolas555 in eUSA. All three entered the eUSA Congress, not once, but several times as official candidates eUSA parties. That very fact shows that they are not PTO-ers. Also, none of these three RL Croats is not eUSA at suggestion or by assignment from EDEN or eCroatia. eCroatian Government cant, and will not even try to control every RL Croats who is a citizen of the New World, eRepublik. Last month our MVP apologized to eChina because of attempts of RL Croat to join their Congress, and distanced itself from the actions of that persone. On such isolated cases i dont have intention of looking back in the future (unless these people are guarantee by government in obtaining citizenship). But we have to respond to the accusations coming from eUSA, and even started to spread in eBrazil, the Croats (I do not know at all whether they think the Croats as eCroats or RL) PTO-era. Not to enter into the analysis of how many members one nation have in congress, I will comment on the general situation in eUSA eBrazil.

eUSA is a country where we have many times helped to organize the ATO. As one of the friendly countries with 10/10 bonuses and eCroats changed their citizenship to U.S. in recent months. In the meantime, the eUSA experienced political changes which occurred at the very top of the state and eUSA policies are increasingly turning to ePoland side. I dont not say ONE side, but primarily ePoland (and eSpain, which is just a puppet like in creation of the NWO). because ePoland, like as in creation of the NWO / ONE is founder of the new alliance. About that new alliance will be able to read in one of our following articles. To comply ePoland and allied with the allies of ePoland and comply with ePoland interest eUSA must turn its public opinion against EDEN and yesterday's allies from Terre. As they have absolutely no reason to morally justify switching to the other side, except "for the lulz" they invented the story of the PTO-EDEN. These 10-s (yes, we are talking about 10-s of 58 eUSA congressmen who are RL from EDEN countries) is falsely accused of attempted obstruction of eUSA. Congressmen who are announced as a PTO-era on forum of eUSA Congress abide by the same rules of eUSA forum and they dont make problems like blocking or attempting to steal money from the treasury. Simultaneously handful of eUSA Congressman (I think it is 5 of them) which are from ex -ONE countries that are not on the forum, do not follow the same rules, and obstructing eUSA. Nobody mentions them. That five congress members who in the previous mandate against all regulations and rules approved citizenship for ONE players, although in that time eUSA was member of the Terre and ally county EDEN. Our Ministry tried to contact the MOFA eUSA to ask him why eCroatia and eUSA don't have MPP but there were no answer. eCroatia newer meddled (except when we are asked to assist in ATO) in internal politics eUSA, nor has the intention to do, but it will not sit around while ex-ONE lobbies and spread dirty propaganda against eCroatia.

eBrasil, although they have MPP with ePoland and calls it self "brothers" with eUSA is totally different situation. Lobbying from ex-ONE countries is heavy in eBrasil, but eBrasil is a country that is known for its direct and simple politics. eBrasil and eCroatian have excellent relations in this turbulent times. Croats in eBrazil that were granted citizenship, and most of them with outstanding warranties eCroatian government pledged to not participate in their internal politics, which is not the case with eUSA that has always practiced "open to all" policy and the possibility of nomination of "foreigners" at all levels. Well, the position of ePresident in eUSA was carried by Roby Petric. Maybe some newer players not saw Roby Petric, he was founder of USWP, the largest eUSA party.
In conclusion, eHrvatska is open to dialogue with eUSA, and distances itself from any attempts of PTO of eUSA and we state that the unexisting PTO is fruit of ex-ONE propaganda machinery, together with proPoland currents in eUSA.

Contract between eHrvatska - eIndija

Last minister concluded his mandate with articles about renting eIndia regions. The government has expanded the agreement on the region of Karnataka for the simple reason that region in case of loss of eMalaysia eThailand regions brings up an important bonus. We thanks to eIndia for they cooperation and their hospitality. In our Asian provinces we have settled, but there will be at 3 RW day, so if you are unsure what we defend, and what we release (mostly defending, exceptional situations when we release) Come to our channel and we'll be happy to clarify orders.

S poštovanjem,
Ministrica vanjskih poslova Atea i doministar Djani Ujkan Marich