[MoR] The eUK Needs You!

Day 1,203, 15:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Welcome Centre
Members of the eUK, greetings!

I write to you today as this month’s Minister of Recruitment (MoR), for two reasons: First, to introduce this month’s team to you, and second, to share with you a new plan this month to try and increase our population.

As I’m sure you know by now there’s been a fair amount of controversy recently, with all sorts going on in the eWorld. Plenty of people had a good complain, and there’s still a lot going on to try and solve the problems that have been identified. My point is this:
We’re all still here, and see some value in playing eRepublik.

That is exactly why I think recruitment is worthwhile, we have a good community here and it will only get better if we add to it.

The Team

To that end, I have assembled a crack team of operatives to try and share the workload of recruitment. Already I owe each of them my thanks for being willing to help and pitching in using their own skills.

There are currently two Apprentices working in the ministry:

deVillefort- Last month’s MoR, he is currently very busy being the Speaker of the House of Commons, but has volunteered some of his time to help recruitment and retention by doing some messaging.

Rawdon- A member of the eUK’s elite special forces as well as Parliament, Rawdon has expertise of other gaming sites we can advertise and recruit on, and has graciously offered to use accounts he has to do exactly that.

This month we have three Underministers working in the ministry:

Dimezz- Dimezz may not yet be known to you, but so far he has shown a clear and concise understanding of the game and skill at producing art and graphics- the newspaper logo at the top was designed by him, and I have no doubt that this, coupled with his ideas will make him a huge asset this month.

Jonathon Tickle- Jon comes on board with a mandate of creating a MoR facebook group to spread the word on the world’s biggest social networking site. He’s also had some good input on other levels and again I’m sure he will prove himself as a great asset to the eUK this month.

Theo276- Theo may at first seem to be a new player, but he is in fact an eRepublik veteran, having had a previous account in which he was elected to congress three times, bringing with him experience and fresh thinking.

The A-Team, a big thank you to all of you!

That’s the staff, but we have a problem- even we can only do so much!

The Forum Plan

The month’s big plan to try and recruit:

As members of an internet community, we may well have other forum sites that we frequent and post on. My proposal is simple- we create a recruitment thread on every forum we usually use, so long as it doesn't break any of their rules. (Some have a problem with referral links, for example.)

If everyone that reads this can think of just one or two other forums they post on, and talk to the other posters there about eRep, the potential is huge. I ran a test run yesterday on a forum I use, that has about 500 active posters during a week. So far three people have made the jump, and I’ve kept in contact with them via PMs to help them and keep them interested.

Make sure you are known on the forums you do this with though; otherwise your thread might be classed as spam and deleted. Please have a go, the eUK needs your help!

That’s it for the MoR’s first weekly update, please feel free to PM me with any questions or suggestions, and as ever please vote and sub- we’ve got this org for the month to get the message out!

Talon Karrde, eUK Minister of Recruitment.

Ps, why not join the eUK forums at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php ? 100% guaranteed to double your enjoyment!*

*enjoyment may or may not actually double but you get the point.