[MoR] Help out eUK! Get Recruiting!

Day 1,176, 11:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by deVillefort

Why bother with recruiting?
The difference between stronger countries and weaker countries in this game is essentially the number of citizens they have. The more citizens a country has the bigger its economy, its army, its voters and most importantly, its activity. In effect, the more citizens we have the more fun it is to play!
Of course, the majority of us will not have joined the game through recruitment efforts but more by seeing adverts for erepublik on other sites, but this is not currently doing the job as well as we'd like, eUK's is slowly dropping down the ranks in terms of number of citizens compared to other countries and the only thing we can do to help that is to do some recruiting ourselves!

And there's always the Society Builder Medal up for grabs!

The Ministry of Recruitment
The Ministry of Recruitment is around to encourage and to help people recruit. We can do this in many ways and if you want to get involved, come visit our forums here! Over there you'll find many assets to help with forum recruitment as well as our promo video and twitter account.

What Can you do to Help Recruitment?
There are many ways in which you can help out in Recruitment in your own way:
1. Sign up to help out in the Ministry of Recruitment here
2. Invite people yourself using whatever means you'd like- Every little helps!
3. PM me if you need help with any recruitment ideas you may have, I'm happy to provide assistance.
4. If you've already done some recruiting- try and get those new players to stay long term.
5. Vote this article, and future articles about recruitment up!

If you want to know more about Recruitment, please PM me with any questions you may have!

Minister of Recrutment