[MoPR]Some Foreign News and Bewbs

Day 1,117, 15:15 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by New Zealand Public Information

Kia Ora New Zealand

We promised to keep you up to date with discussions the Government is having. So here’s a little taster of the foreign affairs discussions we’ve had the last few days.


Nearly as sexy as our kiwi women

As you may know Australia was recently invaded by Indonesia and subsequently conquered. Once Indonesia declared war Australia asked us for help, that wasn’t under this government but discussions about a MPP should Australia be returned to the New world. There’s a few pro’s and con’s of an Australian MPP. However we decided that whilst we want to help out our neighbour it wouldn’t be wise as we have a limited MPP budget and there are more valuable MPP’s available to us.


Dish’s sister

Soon after we came into government the Mexican CP approached us asking for an MPP with us. Mexico is a small country similar to us with resources that a superpower nearby needs and could use to improve their economy. So they asked us as we’re both in a similar situation for a MPP. Much for the same reasons as we declined the Australian offer was that the money MPP’s could be better spent.


I bet she doesn’t have hairy armpits

We already have a French MPP and so far it’s brought us plenty of battles. Canada have nearly pushed France out of their territory and Spain are keeping up the assault into France, which means there will still be plenty of battles in the future. This is why, should we gain the funds, we will be looking to be renewing the French MPP which would continue to provide us with valuable battles.


Don’s a lucky guy

Slovenia is another interesting choice for a MPP. We have been speaking to Slovenian officials and an MPP would be interesting, especially as Slovenia may be on the edge of a war, which could provide us with valuable battles.


What were Phoenix thinking

Brazil is a very interesting country with its current situation. It’s been well documented in the media that Brazil has left Phoenix over a dispute with Hungarian occupied South Africa and Hungary. I won’t go into all the details now, but Brazil is now a ‘non-aligned’ country much like ourselves. So we’re interested in exploring potential MPP’s with them and with the vast resources in South America there will be quite a few interesting wars soon.


Someone’s been laying off tha cheezburgers

We’ve got quite a few Americans residing in New Zealand and we’ve previously had a USA MPP which we unfortunately lost due to our Training War with Australia. But USA is a strong country and usually has a lot of battles which could provide is with daily battles. As well as helping to maintain our non-aligned status.

There’s a taster of our MPP options


Kiwi women are the best.

Minister of Public Relations