[MoPR] Recruiting for Dummies

Day 929, 05:46 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
If you recruit people to eRepublik and support them in becoming active players, it can become quite profitable in the long run. If your account is registered as the recruiter of another citizen, you will receive 10% of all gold he/she acquires for the rest of their eLife! Here's a summary on how to recruit your friends and others.

The invitation page
Menu shortcut: Community >> Invite friends

eRepublik has a referrer link which you can use to invite new citizens. The URL is on the form http://www.erepublik.com/en/referrer/YOURNAME. People who follow this link will be presented with a registration page to join eRepublik. If they do, your account will be registered as the recruiter of the new citizen.

The referrer link brings people directly to the signup form. Click on the image for a larger view.

The invitation page supplies you with the correct referrer link as well as other useful tools. You can broadcast your invite on Twitter, Facebook and send out prepared invites by e-mail. Using the referrer link you can promote eRepublik to your social network, be it web and gaming communities, fellow students or collegues.
The more people you invite, the better chance that some of them will register and check out what this is all about.

Keeping track of invitations
Either: Community > Invite friends > Track invites
Or: Gold and Extras > Gold Bonus

When someone joins via your referrer link, you are not notified. Therefore, you have to check regularly to see if newly recruited citizens have arrived. The Gold Bonus page shows you a list of all the citizens you have invited, with citizen avatar thumbnail and name, experience level and how much gold you have collected thanks to this citizen.

The Gold Bonus page is sorted first by amount of collected gold and then in chronological order by the time they joined. Click on the image for a larger view.

Remember that you must collect the gold within 30 days after the bonus was generated. The amount you collect is then shown in the right column of the list. The bonus is not deducted from the invitees gold collection. If one of those you invited finds a treasure map worth 3.30 gold, he or she keeps all of it, but you get the 0.33 gold bonus in addition.

Following up on new citizens
The first bonus will not occur until the new citizen reaches experience level 6, so make sure you help out new players in the beginning. Feeling less alone is a good motivation to keep on playing. While all new citizens receive a welcome message and we will try to make Immigrasjonsverket as useful as possible, a bit of extra advice and help never hurts. Make contact with your newly recruited citizens early on and offer your assistance. Not only will it be profitable in the long run - it feels good too!

Why recruit?
Getting gold is never a bad thing. But the economical prospects aside, more people means more fun. For you, us and everybody. And with version 2 of eRepublik coming up, we could really use more eNorwegians to help making things go around.
On a final side note, it does not matter which country your invitees choose when they register. You will still receive the bonuses and be registered as the recruiter. But of course, we hope that all of you will do your best to get new people to good ol' Norway!