[MoPR] eRepublik lingo for Dummies

Day 920, 09:48 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
Did you ever hear about those goons who pulled off a PTO because the CP did a DoW just before DC so that the ATO plan failed miserably? Or perhaps your friends complain over all the Two Clicker zombies who rarely contribute with anything? No more despair - the eRepublik slang dictonary is here

Like all communities, a social multiplayer game like eRepublik causes a lot of slang and abbreviations to evolve. I have been around for a few months, and I still find myself pondering over cryptical phrases and words which "everyone" seems to know the meaning of. An invaluable source of information is the eRepublik Wiki - consult this whenever you run into a word or concept you don't quite understand.

Here's a quick list of some words and expressions which are now part of my vocabulary, in alphabetical order:

ATO - Anti-Takeover - describes a strategy to avoid or counter an attempted political takeover (see PTO below). One method of ATO-ing is by the use of blockers (see below).

Baby Boom - refers to when a large number of citizens joins eRepublik, usually a particular country. Normally a result of players advertising and/or recruiting through other web communities, forums and games.

Blocker - an congress elections candidate who run in a region only to "block" other candidates from winning or even be qualified for election day.

CP - Country President - commonly used abbreviation.

DC - Day Change - the eRepublik midnight, when the day changes. eRepublik time is in the Pacific timezone (USA & Canada).

DoW - Declaration of War - the act where a country president declares war on a region owned by another country.

Goon - a group of...er...well, the goons are...heck, it's a long story - read this wiki article to learn all about the origin. The label "goons" is often misused as a general term for potential PTOers.

MPP - Mutual Protection Pact - signed alliance between two countries so that if one of them is attacked, the other country is automatically involved in the war and can fight for their ally. Click here to see the list of eNorway's MPPs.

MT - Moving tickets - Commonly used abbreviation.

Multi - multiaccount - an account created by the same player as other accounts, normally used to cheat. Multiaccounting is illegal according to eRepublik laws, and the gain would be to collect gold for these invited "friends" and/or to use the accounts for voting in elections.

PTO - Political Takeover - is when a country, group of countries or even independent groups of players manages to take over another country by winning majority in congress or the persidential elections. Historically, the common method of PTO has been through the use of multi-accounts (see Multi above). Read more about the most recent PTO in eNorway.

Tank - used to describe citizens with high military strength (15 or more) who are equipped with high-quality weapons and gold for WBs (see below) and sent in to make the difference in important battles.

Two Clicker - is a citizen who only logs in to work and train and who does not participate beyond that.

WB - Wellness Box - eRepublik feature that lets you buy 10 wellness points for 2 gold for a limited number of times during one day. By the use of WBs, one can fight a large number of times, hence deal a lot more damage during battles than when restricted to the five times one can heal in a Q5 Hospital.

Zombie - used for people who always vote for their party in elections, no matter who the candidates are or what competency said candidates have.
