{MoPI/MoE} Helpful Guide for New Players

Day 1,058, 16:42 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by New Zealand Public Information

Welcome all new eNew Zealand citizens! A short guide to eRepublik and everything Kiwi.

I. Introduction

eRepublik is a social-strategy game. You can work to earn money or create your own company and be your own general manager. You can fight for your country, vote and start political career. But maybe you have a talent in writing? Create your own newspaper and gather enough subscribers to become a media mogul.

By working hard in eNew Zealand and eRepublik, it is quite possible you will be able to do nearly everything!

II. Upload your Avatar

The first thing you should do is to upload your Avatar. Not only is it the best way to distinguish yourself from your fellow players - you also receive an experience point to upload your first avatar.

To change your avatar just click onto the avatar placeholder on the left side of the webpage.

You are now on your profile page. Here you can see your accomplishments, money and inventory. Click on “edit profile” in the right corner. You have to enter your password for any changes in your profile. Upload a picture from your computer and start to get yourself recognized in the community.

III. Work

Here in eRepublik there are many ways of receiving money, the main way is to get a job.To do that you have to go to the “job market”. Just click on Market -> Job market and take one in your skill level (that would be 0). Your first one might not pay much, but that changes fast because you become more productive with every day you work.
You will notice up to 5 stars under the name of the company. The stars stand for the Quality level. The higher the Quality level of a company, the more wellness you loose with every day you work for them. Therefore you should search for the job that pays the most and costs you as little wellness as possible.
There is a work button on the front page. When you click it you will be directed to your workplace. Select the free booster and receive your first wage. If you work 30 days in a row (it does not have to be in the same company) you receive a treasure map which contains gold.

IV. Training

On the training ground you can train your strength.
Just click on the train button on the front page and select the free booster. Try to train every day to increase your fighting power if you have to support your country on the battlefield.

V. Fighting

When you are done with working and training you can head of to the battlefield. There are probably a lot of battles showing up in which you can participate. Always be sure to check our eNew Zealand’s latest defence and attack orders.
A battle consists out of mini battles that last 2 hours. The side that wins the most mini battles wins. When you come on the battlefield the game will you give you the "ghost" of an enemy player to fight against. Every time you hit the Fight button you will loose 10 wellness points and cause damage on the ghost of your enemy. Don't worry: he can't hit you back. Once you defeated the ghost you will receive experience points and your contribution to the battle will be transmitted. The more you and your comrades contribute, the bigger is the chance of our side winning. The side that contributed the most damage wins the mini battle. In every mini battle you can heal up to 100 wellness points in the hospital. That means you should not hit the fight button more than 10 times in one mini battle. Otherwise you have to eat more food to regain your wellness.
This may sound a bit confusing at first but once you tried it out you will find that it is rather easy.

VI. Wellness

You will loose wellness with every day change. You can eat food to regain this wellness or buy a house to recover the wellness during the day change.
To buy food you should go to Market -> Marketplace and search for food that is as cheap as possible but also reflects your needs. There is no need to buy food which gives you 4 wellness points if you only need to recover 2.
If you want to fight more often than the 10 free fights per battle you can recover up to 300 wellness points by eating food. This means however that you have to visit the market place very often.

Why do you need wellness?
If you wellness drops to 0 you are dead.
The higher your wellness, the more productive you will be. This will probably result in a higher wage from your employer.

VII. Inventory

You can sort your inventory. I know that cleaning up sounds boring but behind this function lies a pretty good reason. If you eat food you will always use the first food out of your inventory and if you fight you will always use your first weapons. Chances are that you have different kinds of food and weapons in your inventory. With the possibility to edit your inventory you can decide what is consumed first. Just go to Profile -> Inventory -> Edit inventory and move your items.

VIII. Beyond the Basics

What I explained to you above are just the basics of this game. Your daily tasks are to work and fight. If it is possible you can also fight. But that alone does not sound very fun, does it? There is a huge community just waiting to welcome you into the game and the eNew Zealand world.
eNew Zealand has two main military groups: The New Zealand Army and the New Zealand Special Air Services, both of which are part of the eNew Zealand Defence Force organization. You can sign up for the eNew Zealand Army with this form. Also, you can sign up with the eNew Zealand Special Air Services with this form.

IX. Important eNew Zealand Links

eNew Zealand Public Information
Stay in touch with the latest news.

Kiwi Kontrol
An informative government newspaper to keep all Kiwis in line.

eNew Zealand Forum
The most important tool to participate in the community. Stay in touch with other citizens of eNew Zealand here.

The IRC channel is your second most important tool to participate in the community, use it frequently!

eRepublik Wiki
Here you can find a lot of historic information about eRepublik as well as all formulas.

X. Credits

I would like to thank Dr.Pain for allowing me to use and revise this guide for the use of new eNew Zealand citizens. You may read and subscribe to his newspaper here: Der Exilant.

If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Yours Truly,
Artorius Perim
Minister of Education