[MoMC] What to do...

Day 1,760, 12:37 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Innocent Killer

Eden Hq again attack ePakistan. Now when i am writing this article eUruguay (which has MPPs with eChina, eTurkey and eArgentina) already broken through us. MoD have already announced current orders for all the soldiers of Holy Land.
We are under very complex situation. For understanding our situation it is necessary to understand eWorlds System.
Here,I just want to explain why we are facing such hostile environment. Current system of eWorld is very simlar to Real world system. Like real world here exist 3 categories of countries.
Core countries: Those countries which have huge population, they comes under this category. Most of the resources of eWorld are under the control of these countries. Examples of such countries are eChina, eUSA, eArgentina, ePoland and eSerbia.
Semi-Periphery countries:These countries usually receive a disproportionately small share of global eresources. These are surviving on the base of some good political maneuvers. They share their own resources with a core country e.g,eIndia share their resources with eChina.
Now comes
Periphery Countries: Although some periphery countries play important role in history of eRepublik,but now they are dieing day by day. They are categories by low population and mostly remain under occupation of core countries. Unfortunately ePakistan comes under this category.
So what ever we will do our fate will remain same. There is a famous qoute by Eisenhower,
"In preparing for battle i have always found that plans are useless,but planning is indispensible."
We have to do something about low population. Only you got power to change this fate by increasing population of ePakistan. So,if you are worried about the future of ePakistan invite more and more peoples. At an urgent note,pick your mobile,call your best buddy and bring him into eRepublik. This is the most u can do for ePakistan. For least you can fight in battles to defend your beloved country.
Einstein Junior