[MOMC] The State Press Agency

Day 1,541, 21:22 Published in India India by ArawnLives

It is my great pleasure to announce our brand new initiative for the future of eIndian media -

The State Press Agency is our attempt to give new players in eIndia a platform whereby they can participate and better understand the issues and policies of our governments, and also gain new readers and subscriptions by being the voices and pens and papers of the Government of eIndia.

What is the problem we are seeking to address?
Now, we've all heard the adage - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The weapons for articles scheme under the previous administration was a resounding success - at least I think so, given that I was a major beneficiary. 😃 However, I was often at a loss, for I did not what/who/how to write about things that I did not and could not understand. So, the problem was at two levels -
1. Lack of understanding of what was going on in eIndia.
2. Even if I had (1), lack of general knowhow on how to publish and disseminate such opinions/information/thought.

Alright, then. How are you going to solve it?
Simple, guys. We will call for applications from interested players under Level 25 who are interested (remember, this is primarily an initiative for new people on the block) and assign to them various aspects of eIndians functioning - for example - finance, military, international affairs, domestic affairs, official election reporting, et cetera. Every week, they shall be expected to hound and get from the eIndian in charge of these various affairs information enough to type up and send out a press release.

How will this help?
Because it means that people like you who are interested in various Government of eIndia schemes and happenings in eIndia and otherwise will go to their papers - and hopefully, if you like what you see, you will vote and subscribe. There will be more information out there (in terms of smaller articles on many subjects as opposed to one large article once in a while with varying degrees of detail), and these players picked to do this job will be given the weapons that they would get for writing such an article. They must publish once a week, but additional articles will get them additional weapons. After consultation, we might give them extra weapons for extra cool articles. 😃

Sounds good. How can I help?

If you are a noob
This, unfortunately, only applies for those n00bs who have a newspaper up and running. And even if you don't, PM me and allow me to help you get the required levels so that you can get there. If you already have a newspaper, PM me with the link to an article that you think particularly does you credit. The MoMC shall pick the required number of n00bs and shall be glad to have you on board as members of the State Press Agency!

If you are NOT a noob
Hold on, who said this wasn't for you, too? We need you just as much. If you are people experienced with Government functioning, are members of the current cabinet, or are generally one of those awesome players who know everything, please volunteer to help these individuals out? PM me to let me know that you're interested. Your contribution is likely to get you a good friend, and a good friend in the media is a great friend indeed. 🙂

Additionally PerceptorP has just told me that those applicants who show a diplomatic temperament will also be considered for the post of ambassador!

Not that. The other one. You get the idea. Please indicate if you're interested in this, as well. Either way, the weapons shall flow!

PS - Guys, this is the first article/initiative/idea I've had since I joined this game. Please take a moment to read through it, and kindly completely tear it apart in the comments, so I can know whether this will work or not. I need your constructive criticism. And please do volunteer, if you believe in the idea - I really think we can resucitate the eIndian media.