[MoMC] Plans for Jan'12

Day 1,510, 00:41 Published in India India by Perceptorp

MoMC Plans Jan’12
First, an introduction to our department.
The MoMC for this month is:
Babyboom/Retention Head-->Euaristos

We in the MoMC plan to start the year with a bang. Our main objectives are:
-->Babyboom/Retention (TOP PRIORITY)
This project will be headed by Euaristos. The MoMC and other govt departments will provide the support he requires.
Inviting new people and retaining them is the quickest way to make eIndia prosper. This needs a dedicated retention team. If you can help us in this, please contact him.
A team of volunteer mentors will also be created for this purpose.

-->Welcome message:
I don’t mean the one in the forum. Sadly, not many newbies visit that place.
I refer to a PM which will contain all the necessary information. We will send this message to any new person we see in the “Online Now” tab. To prevent spamming a guy with the same message, a public gDoc will be created noting the names of the newbies who have already been sent the message.
We also need to draft this message. Any ideas are welcome. I will also create a thread in the forum for discussing this.

-->Charity Organisation:
All this stuff won’t happen by itself 🙁 For it to work, we need your help. We plan to create a charity for helping out active newbies. Since orgs can’t be created anymore, we will appoint a person to do this job. A gDoc will be made detailing all the donations and their usage.
As John F Kennedy said “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the worl😛 ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
If there is anything you can afford to donate to the cause, please do so.

-->Mini Strike Regiment:
To get new players interested in fighting, we plan to create a regiment in an MU specially dedicated for new players. This regiment will get supplies to fight, complete the daily orders,etc.
Joining this MU will not be compulsory, new players are free to join and leave the regiment whenever they want. This is just a way to help them level up faster.

-->PGC (Public Grieveance Cell)
As the name suggest, this is a forum thread to voice your problems to the Government, we will publish regular updates about this and other forum updates in the media.

-->Ambassador Program:
Although not connected to the MoMC, I am going to publish it here anyways 😛
India is now a part of GEA, a sister alliance of EDEN. To improve relations with other countries, we need ambassadors. So, if interested, please PM me or omegagamer. The only requirement for this job is activeness. I’ll keep the public updated about this.
All previous ambassadors are requested to PM me or omegagamer. We need you guys.

To prevent “tl;dr” comments, 😛 here is an outline of our plans:
2.Welcome Message
3.Charity organisation
4.Mini Strike Regiment
5.PGC updates
6.Ambassador Program

People neede😛
Every growing country needs people to help it grow. Some of the positions available now are:
1.Babyboom/Retention team

Signing out,
MoMC Jan’12