[MoMC] Its Time to Play the Game

Day 1,477, 17:15 Published in India India by DonMogul

F1 News

Something is seriously messed up in F1. For some reason the software crashes immediately after the leader crosses the line on the first lap. I can run the whole race in 'accelerated time' but we won't have any more footage.

So we have two choices here. We have 4 races left in the season I can either:

(1) Declare a winner now and pay out prize money.
(2) Or continue to simulate in accelerated time.

Comment what you'd like below!

It's All About the Game and How You Play It!

Contractors have just finished work constructing the Indian WWE stadium. Please watch the video at the end of the article (after reading it of course 😛 ) for the first ever episode of Indian WWE!

Now as for how this will run.

I can have up to 40 participants in this competition and there is no entry fee. All I need from you is a general description of what you want your wrestler to look like and what sort of wrestler your happy fellow will be.

There are a few choices on offer each will affect your wrestler's starting stats:

- Brawler
- Speedy
- High-flyer
- Iron Wall

You will be able to improve one stat of your wrestler a week through training but there will also be a risk of losing stats in other categories.

The amount of participants will determine how many championships will be up for grabs.

10 competitors - WWE Championship only
20 competitors - WWE Championship + Tag team title
25 competitors - WWE Championship + World Heavyweight Championship + Tag team title
30+ competitors - WWE Championship + World Heavyweight Championship + IC Championship + Tag team title

There IS prize money available. Half of my daily profits (which is anywhere between 0.5 - 2.5 GOLD will go directly into the pool. Prize money will be evenly distributed between all the belts available.

You win the prize money by winning or retaining a championship.

*And heeeeeeere's the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0I-9_HE4-Y

Yes the story line started in this video will carry on throughout our WWE series. My buddy and I are excluded from winning prize money or under 'normal circumstances' winning championship belts.

Any questions? Feel free to ask below! Anyway what are you waiting for? It's time to play the game! Sign up!


*apologies about the video quality in parts. until my hd-pvr arrives I have to record with my video camera lol