[MoI] Warfare events - day 1,326

Day 1,326, 03:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Kliment E. Voroshilov

- North American ground
- Serbo-Russian war
- Resistance wars in Europe

North American ground

Spain, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Indonesia were launched coordinated attack to Canada (2 remaining regions) and United States of America (6 remaining regions).
Now territories of attacked countries were very reduced.

America has attacked Alaska (Indonesian territory), Montana (Spain territory) and Florida (Hungarian territory).

America will probably lost battles for Montana and Florida, but battle for Alaska is gooing good for now.

Canada has attacked only iron region Quebec which was conquered by Poland forces. Battle is going very bad for Canadian troops and they will probably lost battles. We can see that America and Canada will very, very hard get out from this occupation.

Serbo-Russian war and Chinas attack

This interesting war SRB-RUS was started by Serbs. Serbia wants to attack China but it needed route. Serbia declare war to Russia and conquer territories without much effort. Now Serbian warriors arrived to the most eastern Russian region - Far Eastern Russia. Russians back some territories except Moscow and Central Russia, Volga Vyatka, Urals (Resistance war is active) and Eastern Siberia. China started attack to Eastern Siberia and China will be, i guess, winner. It is assumed that reason to attack China, is legendary region Liaoning.

Resistance wars in Europe

Resistance force of Bulgaria VS Turkey for Plovdiv

Battle is very dramatic, so i cannot guess the probably winner. However, this battle is important for Bulgaria because they dont have any region except Vidin.

Resistance force of Romania VS Serbia for Transilvania

Romania is slowly geting back on map, i can see the Romania as winner in this battle. They select best moment for RW because Serbians are now focus on East Front.

Resistance force of France VS Poland for Picardy

Battle is on middle, but Poland are more powerful than French and battle is already lost. France only have one region, Paris Isle of France.

Resistance force of France VS Hungary for Frache Comte

Resistance failed. Battle is near end and France dont have any won round.

Ministry of Interior team,
Luka Tomasevic Tomas and sgtchewy