[MoI] The peace deal with Argentina and more

Day 2,790, 04:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
This article will explain what is going on in both the UK congress and the UK government. The aim of these articles is to keep the population in the loop of what is going on.

Congress activity

Congress is quiet due to being wiped and the UK having an elected Dictator which means congress have no buttons to press. Usually the UK has two congressional PM's, with cabinet members in both however due to the quietness the Speaker (Addaway) has merged the two together keeping only the active/semi-active members in one message to try and increase interaction.

Here is what Addaway has sai😛 'I'm not going to put any bills to debate and vote for the remainder of this term, as to do so with the inactivity of congress as it is would be unreasonable and a bit silly. In my opinion we should discuss things with the government in this thread, and also take votes on things like donate laws, MPPs and so on.

Also we could still vote to adopt non-binding motions and congressional statements (this might be handy to anyone in congress that may disagree with the Argentinian peace deal and want to have a motion expressing this view voted on).'

Congress on the Argentinian peace deal

Congress is divided on whether it was a good idea to sign a peace deal with Argentina. Here are the terms of the deal:

There are three main objections to the peace deal by congress and UK citizens.

1) The lack of consideration for Ireland.
2) The lack of communication with congress.
3) 'Unreasonable' terms and conditions.

This is the main topic of discussion at the moment with nothing else being talked about.

UK CP Appleby on the peace deal

Appleby has spoken about the peace deal with Argentina. He has acknowledged this is the first 'real ****storm' of his term. He goes on to state why he agreed to the deal; 'tax income [was] down by around 95%, new players [were] not being able to directly join the eUK as there was no region to join, [we were] unable to process any citizenship requests and last but not least, no mongress (congress). We certainly didn’t want to go the way of Brazil that was wiped for 8 months by the Argies, and [we] asked if there was any way they could see their way clear to releasing a region so that we could avoid halving in size and face bankruptcy in a month.'

If you are interested in reading the full article check it out here.


The MoD is continuing to offer weapons to all that post in their call to arms articles. The latest MoD article can be found here.

If you haven't been reading the MoD article recently you might have missed this graphic Scarfar has made - nice huh?

A message to Ireland and the Irish leadership

There are plenty of citizens in the UK that consider Ireland bro's and will fight for Ireland like they would for the UK. I have a few ideas that will benefit both Ireland and the UK and I will be coming out with them over the coming days. I don't want to say more at this time but remember we are neighbours, both wiped by the same giant and sooner or later we will both be free from Argentina. o7

Subscribe for more general news, the next in my admin suggestions series and UK Ministry of Information articles where I bring you news of what is going on behind closed doors in the government and congress as well as educational articles.