[MoI SK-EN] True Patriot

Day 1,619, 12:54 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo Informacii

Pribudla nám nová medaila. Aby ste ju získali, musíte odbojovať určitý počet damage za krajinu, ktorej ste občanom ( v RW alebo priamej vojne).

Odmenou za získanie medaily je 5 goldov.

Progres pri získavaní medaily môžete sledovať na svojom profile.

Prvého True Patriota získate, ak odbojujete za svoju domovskú krajinu 100 k a ďalšie medaile v nasledujúcom poradí:

Ak zmeníte občianstvo, počítanie damage sa zresetuje. Za novú krajinu teda na ďalšiu medailu musíte bojovať od hranice, kde ste skončili predtým.


What is True Patriot Medal ?
The medal will be achieved when you fight for your citizenship country in a direct war or a resistance war.
The reward for each medal is 5 gold.

You can see your progress to the next medal on your citizen profile.
You will receive your first medal when you deal 100k for your country and then in the following order:

Once you deal 100k damage, you can check your profile and you will already have the medal.
You cannot receive multiple medals for 100.000 damage, you can only receive ONE medal for each interval, as this is a progressive achievement.
If you change your citizenship, the counter will be reset, however you will not receive another medal for the same interval that you have already achieved.
The damage you deal for a country will be added instantly and it doesn't matter if you change citizenship, the damage made before changing it will remain made for the original country.

For example: if you deal 40 millions damage for eRomania and you then change citizenship, the progress will start from 0 and the new medal (for the country you changed citizenship to) will be awarded at 50 millions of new damage.

On your citizen profile, under the achievements, you can see your current True Patriot Progress. If you change your citizenship a new line will appear with True Patriot History where you can see how much damage you have dealt for your first citizenship country. If you change your citizenship again, you will see both your old progress bars.