[MoI] Immigration reminder & eR Advanced

Day 1,426, 20:45 Published in Japan Japan by Origineel.NL

I want to remind our congressmen that the new immigration law requires them to come on to the forum and approve citizenship requests. A person needs two congressmen to support him/her to get citizenship. Right now this is going a bit slow. So if you are a congressmen read the new immigration law below and get on the forum to review and support new citizens.

A new immigration law has been accepted by the Japanese congress. This means there is a new process for applying for citizenship in eJapan. You can find the new law and the process to get Japanese citizenship below.

August 2011 Immigration Law

Minister of Security position is returned to the title, Minister of Immigration(MoI), and is appointed by the President again. The Minister of Immigration will no longer have the authority to approve or deny citizenship applicants.

Minister of Immigration's duties include:

* Interacting with all new applicants (directing them to the forums, IRC channel...etc.)

* To act as a liaison between applicants and potential congressional sponsors.

* Logging all citizenship approvals, denials, infractions, and sponsorships- much like the current MoS position. The current month’s log will be stickied on the Congress Forums. Old logs get moved to the Immigration Office.

* The status of pending applications will be maintained on the current month's Congress Forum Log, allowing the MoI to bump the thread whenever a new application is posted in the Welcoming Hall.

The New Process:

* Player applies in-game

* Minister of Immigration or a member of Congress contacts the applicant and explains the details of our immigration process.

* Applicant must apply on the forums. Within forty-eight hours, a member of Congress must sponsor the applicant. Members of Congress are limited to three primary sponsorships

* A different member of Congress must then second the nomination.

* A twenty-four hour period of contest begins after the applicant has been seconded. In order to overturn an approval, two members of Congress must object to the approval of an applicant during this twenty-four hour period. If the period of contest passes without the requirements of overturning an approval being met, the applicant can be approved in-game.

* The Congress member who sponsored the applicant is responsible for the applicant's in-game citizenship. In other words, the Congress member must find another Congress member to approve the applicant's citizenship in game if they do not have any available.

* Applicants cannot receive in-game citizenship during the three days prior to or on the day of Congressional elections or Party President elections; the 12th-15th and 22th-25th of every month. If approved on the forums during these periods, the applicant must wait until the election is over.

eR Advanced

eR Advanced is a script you can use for Erepublik to make things like checking your inventory, buying new stuff, watching the media and much more things easier to do. This script is a must have for everybody playing Erepublik.

The script was made by Roktaal, who publishes a newspaper with all the latest features he has added to the script. His newspaper can be found here.

To use Erepublik Advanced you will need to download the greasemonkey addon for your browser.

A download link for Erepublik advanced can be found here

Note: As far as i know Greasemonkey and Erepublik Advanced are only available for Firefox and Google Chrome.