[MoHA] Norwegian Quiz Results!

Day 2,869, 12:55 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

The Quiz Results:

Questions & Answers

1. Which one of these royal houses is the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world?
The correct answer was Japan. The imperial house recognizes 125 monarchs beginning with the legendary Emperor Jimmu (traditionally dated to February 11, 660 BC) and continuing up to the current emperor, Akihito.

2. Who is the longest reigning living monarch?
Although many of the participants picked Queen Elizabeth, that is incorrect. Although she is the longest reigning British monarch, Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand is the longest reinging living monarch at 69 years, 92 days.

3. How many sovereign monarchies are in Europe?
There are 12

4. Norway is one of the oldest Kingdoms in the world. How many years has the position "King of Norway" been in existence?
The answer was 1143. With over sixty kings and earls Norway is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world beginning in the year 872.

5. What country's royal family has an elephant in their coat of arms?
The answer is Swaziland, Africa's last absolute monarchy. Only one person got this right.

6. What country with a royal family is always guaranteed to have a female head of state?
The answer was also Swaziland. The King and Ndlovukati co-reign and act as Head of State together. The Ndlovukati is often the Kings mother. The King is viewed as the administrative head of state and the Ndlovukati as a spiritual and national head of state, with real power counterbalancing that of the king, but, during the long reign of Sobhuza II, the role of the Ndlovukati became more symbolic.

7. Which one of these countries is not an absolute monarchy?

8. Which one of these european royal families generally enjoys the highest approval ratings?
Although the Danish and British royal families enjoy very high support of anywhere between 70-80% it is Norway who enjoys the highest approval ratings pushing 82%. I used this source for this question.

The Rankings

To be entered into the competition you had to endorse the article for 25NOK. Only one person didn't which was Coues, so his answers do not apply. As well Judgen replied twice to the quiz, I accepted his first answers as it appeared he went and used the internet to answer the questions he didn't get the first time. Sneaky Sneaky. So We have 13 eligible responses.

13. Arrakim 0 correct
12. 77carvallio77 1 correct
11. s4ndu 2 correct
10. Hans Erik 2 correct
9. Alix Romanov 4 correct
8. TheJuliusCeasar 4 correct
7. Schwrzwolf 4 correct

We have a 6 man tie for first place with 6 people having 5 correct answers!

6. Judgen
5. bATRA
4. Acreteq
3. Zinitus
2. M. de Ruyter
1. InterimoSRB

Because we have a tie we must have a draw so I gave everyone a number and according to the draw our...

Acreteq is our very first winner, congratulations! I used RandomResult to draw a winner. You can see the ticket by clicking here. The password to access the ticket is quiz.

1st Place Winner and winner of $250 is Aqreteq

Thanks to everyone who participated! I think we should look into giving more than 50% of the money raised to the winners as it would make it more interesting. Hopefully we can figure that out, until next time!

As always don't forget to V,S,S&E!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
President of Norway