[MoHA] Interview with Tommot

Day 2,367, 15:30 Published in Belgium Romania by eBe Raw
Dear eBelgian Citizens,
We proudly present you the first interview of this month. This time we decided to interview one of the most respected players in our community. Tommot, forum administrator, Commander of Olympus Belgicae, PP of Vlaams geweld, editor of “Dit Is Belgisch”, a person who is always fun and ready to help those in need.

First, we want to thank him for his availability and for putting up with our team. We also recommend Tommot´s wiki page, it´s very complete, take a look here - Wiki Profile.
Let´s see the results of this meeting:
We asked a background song to Tommot, here´s his choice:
1 - Tommot, you are one of the oldest pillars of this community who is still active. Everyone knows and recognizes your contribution to our society. For those who don't know you yet, please make an introduction about who tommot is:
I’ve never been good at this(presenting myself/putting me out there) so i am going to refer everyone who want’s to know more about me to my wiki-page. It shows you pretty much everything about me. Including the large gap of inactivity in my early days.
To give you an idea, i have been: MoFA, Secretary of Media & Fun(x2), immigration officer, eBelgian forum-moderator(+-6 months), eBelgian forum-administrator(still appointed), Party President in 3 parties(Belgium for Belgians - x1, All TOgethers - x5, Vlaams Geweld - x1), Formerly managed many different wiki-pages, started the original MU Olympus Belgica and co-founder of the current Olympus Belgicae,...etc...etc(it goes on like that).

2 - As an eRepublik active player since 2009, you saw all kinds of changes in the game; alignments, alliances, wars etc ... But what were the events you will never forget?
First of all i like to point out that i was extremely inactive in the first 2 years of my eLife. As a result i didn’t get to know this game very well until the end of 2011.
There were not single events that stood out above all others. A few highlights, in my opinion, where the eUNL era which was quickly followed by the eUK era in which time i gave up my eBelgian citizenship for better possibilities(barely aware of the political scene back then).
What stood out as well was the dissolvement of the regional election-system. Despite it’s obvious flaws, it was a system in which you knew with high certainty that the people choose you instead of the party.

3 - I see you've taken part in the Congress for several times, you lead a party at the moment, you are the image of a responsible and indispensable player in our community, but you have never been Country President. Why?
That’s a lot of credit, i’m not sure i deserve it.
Anyway, about being CP. I am not ready for that. plain and simple. It takes a lot out of you(just ask past CP’s from anywhere). High activity, knowledge(at least basic) of all areas involved in politics, economy and military and numerous small things that makes a difference in this field. also bear in mind that since the end of last year i have taken several steps back out of the political world, still present(look at forum) but mostly uninvolved.
All that said this doesn’t mean that i will never take a shot at the CP seat one day, just don’t wait for it.

4 - Tell us what´s your favorite dish, music artist/band and song:
dish/foo😛 English translation doesn’t do it well so here is it in dutch. Een groot pak frieten met tartaar en een portie bitterballen.
music(genre): Metal, Rock, Rock & Roll, Punk, crooners,classic(bach, Strauss,...)
artist(of this moment): Miss Li

5 - What future do you see in Belgium? Do you think that the sovereignty of the country is at risk?
I gave up on trying to figure that out. When i see something that i think could be a treat to present day eBelgium i would try to rally others to take action and even then i don’t get involved so quickly anymore.
I do know that our nation needs change now and then. This is sometimes in a rather extreme way or it could be gradual as it has been recently, but changes are necessary for our nation to survive(wether i agree with it or not).

6 - Let´s talk about the RL Meeting this year. Tell me all about it:
What’s to say. For the last 2 years i have been organizing the meetings between eRepublik players from around the area(Belgium, some from The Netherlands and Luxembourg). We come together to talk about anything related in eRepublik. Friend or foe, we leave our issues behind to play a game of bowling and some laughs in bars.
About this year there isn’t much to say yet because i have only just started the topic again(so far litle response on it). But unless there is a large majority speaking against it i do intend to hold it in Antwerp(previously it was in Brussels). More details can best be found in this forum-topic.
But no worries for those who don’t go there, i will publish an article about it in one of the following weeks. This page is also relevant: ebe Meet

7 - Tell me the first thing that comes to your min😛
- Alliance: ONE
- Player: Jofroi
- Forum: Community
- Woman: ….(really no words)
- Feeling: Sad at the whining and complaining nature of most eRepublik players
- A Drink: Baileys or Hoegaarden
- Ally: Our current neighbours(since a long time)
- Enemy: People that are purely motivated by greed and hatred
- A Place: Home(wherever i feel like it)
- Movie: Star Wars, A Ben Stiller movie, Mad Max, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
- Belgium: contradictional

8 - Is there anything else you want to say?
This is a game for everyone…. not for your own selfish desire to satisfaction. No matter how grim it looks or how much bad luck you had, first share something positive before you lay it out to someone else.
I’m sure i can come up with more of that, but most important thing in this game is ….enjoy it together!

More Information about the RL meeting will be available soon, for now, as Tommot said, these are the links:
- Discussion on the Forum to settle the details

- Website with the last meetings and more information
Finally, we need donations for the National Healthcare System. Please share some food with this Initiative: (Click on the link below)
If you want to be helped by NHS, you just need to have eBelgian nationality, have less than level 30 and fill out this form: (Click on the image below)
Once again, the MoHA Team want to thank Tommot´s availability and we hope our beloved citizens like this interesting interview. We hope to release another articles this week, so stay tuned. 🙂

The MoHA Team:
HK416, matt09, makases.