[MoFo] Miss Me?

Day 2,170, 06:10 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Nyx Lynx

Parental discretion advised due to imminent profanity

I will get straight to the point and here are some quick things I would like to start with.

1. I self-appoint myself as the MoFo (Minister Of Fu(k Off!)

This is for people who expect me to play in a certain way and try to impose their definition of game-play on me.

"I do what I want to do, when I want to, where I want to and however the fu(k I want to. End of story."

2.I self-appoint myself as the unofficial spokesperson of DPP.

Why? Because I am soooo impressed with the wonderful crybabies of PRF that I want to draw inspiration from their (a55)holiness. I will be writing articles on behalf of DPP.

The complete job description of a PRF member seems to be finding faults with members of DPP and mainly Jakal. As the unofficial spokesperson of DPP, I take it upon myself the easiest job ever on erep which is to find faults with PRF. It is like finding hay in a haystack.

I know by writing my lovely articles 😁 I would be casting pearls before swine but if it would rub off some winning attitude, albeit at the expense of killing a couple of my own braincells in the sordid exchange, I would consider it my service to humanity.

Lately I have been looking at low-quality articles (even by erep standards) full of slander and malicious content popping up everywhere. These are not articles of constructive criticism but just ad hominem attacks on TheJakal and with such hostility that it only makes me think of humanity as a failed species.

Despite millions of years of evolution, it’s a shame that you still have to witness such lack of creativity and rampant stupidity. Even animals have much decency when it comes to loving and caring for their own kind.

You don’t give a shyte about progress or making ePak the best country on erep. All you want to do is bring TheJakal down. Why? Two prominent reasons:

Admit it, Admit it. Yes you are. Yes you are : P (wink wink nudge nudge)

Ever since I’ve been here, some people are always talking against Jakal with such passion. This goes on for months and months. I am not kidding. It sounds like an obsession.

I offer my heartfelt condolences to these green earthlings who seem to be suffering with this disease. It must be really hard for you to wake up everyday and realize that even in the game you are addicted to, you are such a fail : >


I am a girl and I stopped doing immature things like that when I reached highschool. But after looking at things on erep, I can wager that even the gods in heaven have chosen to use earplugs and blindfolds.

When it comes to work, you all disappear like the very intelligence out of your skulls.

Two people have been going around asking the question- “What has Jakal done?

1. Walter B1tchshop-

Lol perfect question from Walter because how would you know matey? You weren’t even here. Yet you choose to act on “hearsay”.

Hrm anyway I have a small exercise for you. I want you to write all that you have done for ePakistan and I will write an article about what Jakal has done for ePakistan.

I know, I know it’s a very unfair writing contest for me, because you will be done in one small paragraph and I will end up writing like a whole book and still fall short.

And, it’s not about what you are going to do in future, but it’s about what you have already DONE.

If it was about wishes and ponies*, then I would be the Queen of England and also this universe and more.

Also you lack ambition when you say that you are going to conquer China in future. I would be more on the lines of “I want to make ePakistan the most powerful country on eRepublik”

So your “CP-politician pitch” fails to impress me even as a work of fiction or a distant fanciful vision.

You can’t compare what Jakal has already done to what you are ostensibly going to do.

2. Ahsan Shahbaz-

Now who around here died and made Ahsan Shahbaz the queen? You ask what the Jakal has done? What on earth have you done? You talk as if you were Dio Brando. You talk about having painted Asia in green. Did you do that? You are just hitching your wagon to the achievements of others and resting on their laurels.

So to me, you sound like nothing but a charlatan and an imposter. You say you are an FA pro? Lol this will be very interesting because you would be barking up the right tree. FA is my forte. I would like to know your influence in this eworld.

Now I do a bit of research before I talk against someone. I asked around in places that matter, like TWO/COT if they knew some Ahsan Shahbaz. The reply was a resounding and unanimous “Who dafuq is Ahsan?”

An excerpt from his article that I just happened to peruse:

I was trolled by our CP while I was sick with Viral Infection had 103 Fever and couldn't login because I was drained of energy, meanwhile an article appeared against me. “

WHAT??? Ahsan Shahbaz is human and gets fever?? I thought he was so impeccable and unblemished that he had all the rights to sit around all day finding flaws in others.

But oh well, just as I thought, this is another typical fault-finder who is all fluff and no stuff. Now, people of erep, if you want to follow a leader like this, I shall be nice by sending flowers for your funeral.

Blatant Hatred:

If there is a biased report devoid of factual arguments and just negative diatribe full of logical fallacies against one person who in all fairness has made a huge contribution to the country; I personally would be ashamed to point a finger at him and say “What have you done?”

Unless you are blind, deaf, dumb, plain retarded or just plain jealous, you wouldn’t be asking that question. You must be so self absorbed and eccentric that your ego has cast a veil upon your myopic eyes as it lusts for the CP medal in dreams that your profile will be adorned with the glitter of that fake gold.

If you want to be CP, do it with honor. Atleast don’t discredit someone’s work. Shame on you! Seriously! I dislike people of this sort.

If you want to do something better, go ahead and do it. Don’t gang up like a pack of drooling hyenas to attack a guy who has been playing his game. Swearing against his family, attacking his personal character etc. What kind of losers are you all to do that?

Be winners not whiners. Be heros not attention-hores.

To witness all this in a place that once stood proud under Dio Brando is a sacrilege. It is a travesty that wannabes and pseudo-intellectuals are going around flooding the holy sand with their incessant tears.

I shake my head in dismay at people that dare to show such pathetic attitude in public. I personally would have crawled under some inconspicuous rock in a remote inaccessible island before showing such an abysmal behavior.

A true and secure leader wouldn’t have a need to discredit another person’s efforts with lies and willful ignorance. He will give credit where credit is due. For example, Dio Maximus wrote an article about it where he acknowledged the work of TheJakal. That is honor.

I have been thankful for Jakal’s support and trust which has prompted me to come back to write this article. I just owe it to him. I have called him “brother”. He asked Shin Gouki and me to come back a few weeks ago.

TheJakal is not alone. I am in DPP. Now I would like you a55clowns to accuse me of not having worked. Go on, write your articles, I will decipher, decode and debunk all your nonsense.

You want propaganda? You got it. Lol, I needn’t even try at this. I single-handedly can take the entire whino-bunch down when it comes to media.

Next I am going to self-appoint myself as an unofficial Minister of Education. Why? Because you lot are acting like uneducated hillbillies. I am going to lead by example and rub it in your faces that if you want to work, you will be working and not making excuses.

Did you cringe at my choice of words in the article? Get Shocked! Better yet, Get Stuffed! : >

-Nyx Lynx
(Epitome of politeness and verbal ettiquette)

Just getting Warmed up