[MoFA] To Be Nigerian is to Understand Nigerian

Day 2,554, 11:27 Published in Nigeria USA by Oothere


The MoFA and MoI team have being looking for ways to address communication within the Nigerian communities. We have been lacking all effort to do our part of the job publicly but communication as been active privately. For this reason, we want to start the dialogue with Nigerian citizens on ways to move forward as a country.

Also, we are aware of suspicious activities going on in Nigeria, which is leading this country into chaos. But before we start any communication with its citizens, we want all citizens to be aware of Nigerian anthem and what we stand for. That way we all have the same idea on what we are doing and where this country is heading to.

Nigerian National Anthem:

Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.
Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause
Guide our leader’s right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.

Nigerian National Pledge:

I pledge to Nigeria my Country
To be faithful, loyal and honest
To serve Nigeria with all my strength
To defend her unity
And uphold her honour and glory
So help me God.

Thanks again for your time. We will try to get in touch with you all for further updates.

MoI Team
Kalif Batan,
Nigeria MoFA Team
Satyre Reynes