[MoFA] Our New Morning Sunshine [article, info, messages]

Day 2,179, 10:34 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

A Sun is Rising to Shine The New Order
Red is Our Blood, White is Our Bone, We Unite In Diversity

Untuk pertama, saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada om Warankz karena telah mempercayakan kepada saya posisi MoFA eIndonesia untuk periode November 2013. Adapula Tim MoFA periode ini adalah :
MoFA : DevaJr (nick irc : nadief)
Deputy MoFA : Magnanimous (nick irc : magnanimous)
Selain yang disebutkan, MoFA juga telah merekrut diplomat yang memiliki keahlian terhadap isu-isu atau negara-negara tertentu. Untuk mencegah bocornya informasi dan terjadinya eksploitasi, maka nama mereka tidak akan dipublikasi.


1. Perpanjangan NAP dengan Thailand
Sejak awal invasi TWO ke Indonesia, Thailand sahabat lama kita telah menunjukkan rasa persaudaraan yang besar. mereka tetap mempertahankan NAP dengan kita walau mendapat tekanan untuk melanggarnya. Bahkan ketika COTD hanya bisa di set ke BF versus indonesia, mereka melayangkan nota permintaan maaf resmi kepada indonesia. maka untuk mempertahankan persaudaraan yang besar itu dan juga pertimbangan keamanan, maka NAP dengan Thailand akan di perpanjang. You're rock Guys!

2. MPP dengan Germany
Walaupun kedua negara tidak lagi berada di dalam satu aliansi, tidak menghilangkan hubungan baik kedua negara. maka setelah CP germany mengajukan MPP, maka pemerintah langsung merespon positif dan kepada kongres mohon Vote Yes untuk mpp dengan germany.


For Our Old Allies
We have been separated by World War 6. We fought against each other in battlefields with honour and pride. and now the result has come. TWO Order was established. Youre the winner. Now its time to establish the new order. Will we fight together again as a ally?

For Our Allies
We arent in CoT anymore. but we still have same feeling about fighting. neverthink that we will forget about you. we will fight together to claim our freedom, forever!

For USA Government
Last month, everyday Indonesia government asked the USA gov to launch RW in Hawaii after their NAP with Poland. We all know that Hawaii is a bridge for TWO to launch attack against Indonesia without AS. but after Poland conquered Papua, still USA didnt launch the RW in Hawaii. there is a secret agreement between USA and Poland to let Poland attack Indonesia? its natural for Poland to do that because they want to help Australia, but how about USA? Remember that we were still in CoT several days ago. this is how you treat your ally?


Our New Morning Sunshine

In Our hard time, all of us saw how a Great Alliance, Circle of Trust had fallen into pieces. started from their fail diplomacy, until domination by one country in HQ, lead the fall of CoT. now what will we do? we are at war with poland and face the internal problem. How we face our new morning sunshine?

Back to our traditional allies
after months fought together with ex-enemies, the trust was only in mouth. the trust has been build with propaganda of 'trust'. can we see about the true 'trust'? in case about hawaii, we can see what is the meaning of 'trust' here. i dont know about what's happening in USA, just to help her allies, they cannot open RW in Hawaii. until now, hawaii still in poland's control.
about brazil for other case. in my last period as mofa, brazilian gov never replied my PMs to renew the MPP. but after their internal conflict came worse, they asked us to renew mpp just like we need the mpp. we want to be ally of brazil, but this is how you treatment your potential ally?
when UK launched AS against indonesia, we really appreciated that our old allies in TWO didnt set COTD against indonesia. just a little help from them without their damage, that was a big help for us!

Keep the balance of diplomacy
we must mantain good relations to our old, present, and potential allies. we are at neutral party right now. we have great possibility to make. we must use this chance to rebuild our country. we all know that our country is suffered after a long war against TWO. now we have to rethink again about our foreign policy orientation. we must be more selective to choose who is worth enough to be our ally. i think a enemy can be a friend, but not for all enemies. only enemy with honour who can respect their past hostilities will be good as ally.

Establish the New Order in Our Border
with our condition now, we cant establish order in our border. with DS and alliances. it gave a half bonuses and bad position in military strategy. what we must do? ill give you a good example how about to establish order in border. China conquered all regions which bordered directly with TWO countries. it made TWO countries think twice to burn their mpp if attacked China. what indonesia must do? establish peace in border with thailand. make sure hawaii is under america to prevent attack against indonesia. and we have to secure our bonuses in PHP and australia to boost our economy. its hard to do now. but later will be!

thats all from me. just a new way for us to face our new morning sunshine after the failure of Circle of 'Trust'..

"dream as high as the sky, if you fall, you'll fall among the stars"
-Soekarno, Founding Father of Indonesia

Day 2,179 Lesser Sunda Islands, eIndonesia