[MoFA of Belarus] Greetings, Finland!

Day 1,236, 03:44 Published in Finland Belarus by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BY

Greetings, Finland!

I`m Hyena Black, MoFA of Belarus.

Now we have difficult times since Lithisnia and Latvia, members of young, but agressive alliance ABC attacked us. Now one half of our regions are under lithuanian occupation, and other half is under latvian occupation. I know that Finland is fighting against another ABC member - Estonia. I think that relationships between our two countries can be very good, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". If we will work together - we will have good chances to defeat ABC.

I also want to say that Belarus want to join EDEN alliance, as soon as possible. Before ABC`s attack, we helped to our allies, Bulgaria and Croatia in their wars. I hope that soon our countries will be in the same alliance 🙂

Hail Finland!
Hail Belarus!
Hail EDEN!
And fail ABC

Best wishes, Hyena Black, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.