【外交部 MOFA】外交部招揽人手 | Looking For Ambassadors

Day 1,356, 05:22 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN




- 喜欢跟海外玩家打交道;
- 不怕看外语和能写英语;
- 偶尔能泡下QQ;
- 泡下被指定做外交的国家的论坛;
- 懂得基本IRC操作 (加上能蹲在eC和被指定做外交的国家的irc); 和
- 每个礼拜写个小报告,并交给外交部统一发报 (军事情报、绯闻、新闻等等)。

非常欢迎你进来外交部当外交大使!有意者请PM Dingo0410,并写下你愿意派注的国家,谢谢!

Greetings everyone (especially to our foreign expatriates)
We are eChina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The plan for this term foreign affairs will be to improve relations specifically with our allies and neighbors. But, we are also open to building relations with all who are interested!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eChina is currently looking for ambassadors. If you (our foreign expatriates) are interested in helping and is able to:

- Meeting with citizens all over the eworld;
- Log on occasionally to QQ Messenger (but it’s not a must);
- Able to dwell in the ecountry’s forum and IRC which you volunteered to; and
- Able to write a weekly report, and give the weekly report to Mofa to publisbize it (i.e. military info, gossips, informal or formal news).

You are very much welcomed to join the family of eChina’s Foreign Affairs Team. PM Dingo0410 if you are interested, plus write down which country(ies) you volunteered to.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

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