[MOFA] It's Official: Admin states that WA will stay with eIndonesia

Day 875, 20:35 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin

Dear Citizens,
Well its official .
The admin has stated that Western Australia will remain with eIndonesia.

You can see Admins reaction here.

[url] http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/90389-Western-Australia-It-ain-t-over-til-the-fat-lady-sings?p=1071458#post1071458 [/url]


Western Australia: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings

"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings" means that one side should not assume the outcome of a certain activity until the time is overdue. This colloquialism is more than valid, these days, in the New World. At the end of the battle that took place in Western Australia , our server “referee” decided to extend the length of the game. And yes, in the extra time, another team eventually has won the game. The one that pushed harder until the final minute.

After we have analyzed your feedback, the facts and the similar events in the past, here is the official statement regarding this issue:

1. The automatic system of closing the battle has begun to run later then the time it should have. The guys in the Development team have been working all Sunday to solve the issue. Its cause is based on the fact that eRepublik is an on-going project where a team of people in certain locations are doing constant changes and improvements. Some of those improvements might have a negative impact over other features. We can assure you that we are constantly working to improve our work and we apologize for every problem that appears. Our goal is for eRepublik to evolve and to be in a continuous development.

2. When a battle had come to an end and it had been influenced by a delay in the system, we did not interfere with the results. This exact decision will be applied also in this case.

3. We kindly suggest you all, once again, to use only the “Message to administration” forum section if you have any complains or suggestions for the eRepublik Team. No articles in the media will be taken into consideration but only the threads on the forum. And only on the forum you will find our feedback regarding your proposals.

That is really one of the best things which happened to us Admin.
Thank you so much for this.

Thank you all the people who has petitioned for us .

We eIndonesian's, Phoenix. and Allies say THANK YOU from the bottom of our heart.

Dear Friends,
Please do me a favour and let us say THANK YOU LOTS ADMIN here.
[url] http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/90536-We-Love-You-Admin?p=1073313#post1073313 [/url]

Dear Rakyat eIndonesia,

tolong pindah ke Western Australia sekarang juga..

isi formulis ini untuk mendapatkan tiket


ini sangatlah penting.

kenapa kita harus pindah ke Western Australia?

upaya ini adalah agar dana yang dikeluarkan musuh untuk melakukan Resistance war menjadi mahal.

Western Australia adalah salah satu region terkaya di eRepublik dan kita HARUS mempertahankannya.

Wester Australia sekarang telah memiliki Hospital Q5 dan Defense System Q5.

apabila kamu CINTA dan peduli eIndonesia, PINDAH SEKARANG.

harga tiket skr : 1 ticket = 6 IDR

tolong relakanlah uang anda untuk pindah sekarang.

ini bukan untuk eSaya, eDia, eMereka.. tapi untuk eINDONESIA....!!

wahai rakyat eIndonesia, apabila kamu melihat ada artikel yang menentang eIndonesia, maka "Laporkan"

apabila kita tidak PINDAH SEKARANG, maka kemungkinan untuk kehilangan WA sangatlah besar. dan itu dapat menjadi sebuah kesalahan besar.
ini adalah untuk kita dikemudian hari agar memperoleh keuntungan yang banyak untuk kesejahtraan kita.
dan keuntungan yang dihasilkan nantinya sangatlah besar.
setiap orang membuat perubahan
oleh karena itu semua orang harus pindah ke WA.. mulai sekarang, setiap orang eIndonesia harus pindah ke WA.
6 ids adalah nilai yang kecil, maka tolong relakanlah uang tersebut untuk pindah ke WA
saya meminta dan memohon kepada anda..!!
Sebarkan pada seluruh teman dan seluruh rakyat eINDONESIA untuk pindah SEKARANG...!!!
jangan lupa untuk memindahkan segala binatang ternak kesana.


Artilce from Wonder Forwar😛

[eIndonesian MOFA]