[MoFA] Goals for June '14 [AL/EN]

Day 2,391, 16:47 Published in Albania Brazil by Z E U S

Albanian Version:

Mesazhi per eBoten

Ne kete artikull,si fillim dua te pergezoj te gjithe komunitetin Shqiptar,per zgjedhjet e lira dhe demokratike qe tregoi edhe kete here,ne zgjedhjet e fundit.Ne kete zgjedhje ju na besuat fatin dhe shpresen tuaj,dhe shpresojme qe do ndertojme kushte te forta dhe solide per marrdheniet e jashtme diplomatike.Ne do te jemi pergjegjes per komunikimin dhe marredheniet me te gjitha vendet e eBotes,aleate ose jo.

Do te perpiqemi te permisojme marredheniet tona,duke bashkevepruar me aleate,dhe duke hedhur hapat per nje status te forte te eShqiperise ne eBote,por si gjithmone duke iu pershtatur interesit te njerezve tane,popullit tone,me nder e krenari dhe gjithmone besnik.

Situata e Shqiperise:

Sic mund ta dini,tani per tani,ne mbajme nen okupim 6 rajone te eBjellorusise: Brestkaya, Homelskaya, Hrodzienskaya, Mahilyowskaya, Minskaya and Vitsebskaya, rajone nga te cilat kemi 60% bonus ne prodhimin e ushqimit.

Pas pasur kercenim per vendndodhjen tone aktuale,do te vazhdojme te mbajme nen kontroll keto rajone,nderkohe qendrojme te fokusuar ne Ballkan,te lirojme territoret tona naturale nga eSerbia.

Per shkak te neutralitetit tone persa i perket aleancave te eBotes,do te vazhdojme te ruajme miqesite tona me vendet qe sot i quajme aleatet e miqte me te cmuar,duke u perfaqesuar ne menyren me te mire te mundshme tek to.

Pervec te tjerave,nga politika jone e ndjekur(e lart permendur) len te kuptoj,se ne jemi te hapur per marredhenie e bashkeveprime me vendet e tjera te eBotes,por si zakonisht,duke iu permbajtur shumices derrmuese te komunitetit tone,dhe duke u sjelle ne menyre korrekte,besnike dhe me nder para jush.

Duke besuar ne nje bashkepunim te mire,perzemersisht ju uroj nje te ardhme te ndritur per te gjithe Shqiptaret dhe vellezerit tone te vertete,dhe te jemi se bashku ne rrugen tone,e cila shpresojme te na sjelli lavdi dhe fitore,gezim dhe krenari!

English Version:

Message to the eWorld

On this article we firstly would like to congratulate all the albanian population on another demonstration of democracy in this latest election, where you deposit your faith and hope on us for built and strength our current condition on the International affairs, we will be responsible for the communication and relationships of Albania with all countries of the eWorld, allies or not.

We will try to improve our relationships always aiming mutual cooperation, pursuing the establishment of an even stronger scenario for eAlbania towards the eWorld, but always committed to our people and beliefs, as usual representing our interest in a humble, honest and honored way.

Albanian Current Situation:

As you might know, nowadays we are occupying six core regions: Brestkaya, Homelskaya, Hrodzienskaya, Mahilyowskaya, Minskaya and Vitsebskaya, which are core regions of eBelarus and are currently under our rule, from where we get 60% bonus on food production.

Having no urging menace regarding our current geographical location, we shall keep the occupation process, meanwhile we keep our forces focuses on liberating our core regions back from serbians.

Due our neutrality towards the alliances in eWorld, we shall keep and improve our bilateral friendships with the countries nowadays we consider our most valuable friends and pursuing to represent the best as we can eAlbania internationally.

Beside, our policy aforementioned we inform that we are open for conversations with any country who request to open conversations with us, we will as usual, act in a humble and honored way towards any nation who shall interact with us.

Believing that, we kindly wish a bright future for all albanians and true brothers and that our path keep bringing us glory and happiness.

NikoIa Tesla
Albanian MoFA