[Mofa] Double Dragon Strategy of Arge/Brazil

Day 843, 23:01 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin


Plz Read [MoFA] Why Were The Recent Peace Proposals Rejected?

Dear Citizens,
As all know South Africa is held by Brazil and Argentina our allies.

Well Australia has recently become aggressive all of a sudden and finally managed to win Kwazulu Natal yesterday.
KwaZulu Natal was conquered by Australia in the war versus Brazil

But a double dragon strategy is followed. what is it?

where now Argentina is now attacking Australia in KZN.

Argentina attacked KwaZulu Natal, Australia

So now both Brazil will attack turn by turn.

well thats called teamwork.
Thats called Alliance.

Lets wish all the best from our side.
We support you and we are with you in this.

Our NAP will get over in less than 2 months.

Who knows it can be a Triple Dragon Strategy ;P
