[MoFA] Countries without regions

Day 2,172, 04:45 Published in Malaysia Thailand by SoharaSama


As you can see, our country doesnt have any region. But wait, there is a few countries without regions! Let's see...

1) eMalaysia

eMalaysia, our homeland! eMalaysia doesnt have her own region right now!
eMalaysia is currently trying to deplete the DS of ePakistan. Of course it's impossible! But fortunately, ePhillipines helps eMalaysia to drain the DS. o7

2) ePhillipines

ePhillipines is conquered by eChina and ePakistan... By working with eMalaysia, they can kick ePakistan outta Southeast Asia!

3) North Korea

This country is dead i guess...

4) South Korean

eSouth Korea is CoT and conquered by Taiwan (TWO)...

5) Japan (CoT)

eJapan is conquered by eChina and eTaiwan. eJapan had been conquered by ePortugal this lately.

6) India

eIndia is Pto-ed... So nothing to say about this country.

7) Egypt (WOLF)

eEgypt is one of NaN... But left NaN due to some crisis. We've tried to have an MPP with eEgypt recently but we can't because we don't have any region.

😎 Russia (CoT)

Everyone knows that Russia is a big country. eHungry conquered eRussia.

9) Italy (CoT)

eItaly, europe, is conquered by eSerbia.

10) Bulgaria (CoT)

eBulgaria had rejected our application to CoT... but they dont even have regions at this moment.

11) France (CoT)

eFrance is currently having a big trouble from ePoland and eSerbia!

12) Macedonia [FYROM] (CoT)

Our old ally! Her regions were taken by eGreece.