
Day 1,154, 06:37 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

众所周知,印尼仍对东南亚国家不断作出威胁,我们在未来的一段时间将要面对印尼这个强大的敌人。我明白部分议员可能对印度的外交策略仍有一定疑问,不过印度当局的代表Ashwamedh已就此发表希望保持两国友好关系、并表明希望与我国共同作战的决心。 印度总统也发文表示愿與我国阻止印尼扩张,為表示我国希望对周边地区的盟友作出帮助,外长在此呼吁还没有投票的国会议员就MPP的表决投赞成票。


Dear congress members,

We all know that eIndonesia is still threatening our neighboring nations. In the coming months we will probably face the strong enemy. In order to show our support to our allies, I here would like to ask those who have not vote please support the proposal. I do understand some of the congress members concern about the foreign policies of eIndia, however Ashwamedh and their President has published articles to prove their will and intention to stop eIndo expanding. Therefore please vote FOR the alliance. Thanks.

KK Lau
Minister of MoFA.CN