[MoFA-Ambassador] Report from the down under!

Day 1,977, 16:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kapten Johnson

Country: eAustralia
Population: 1039
Avg Cit level: 19
President: irule777
Alliance: Non-aligned Nations of eRepublik (NaN)

eAustralia is and has been in a rough place for over a year, they are under constant attack and occupation by mostly eIndonesia, eChile and eNew Zealand. But the eAussies are not letting go easily, their population has big pride and will never stop fighting to retain their land! They have just recently founded the NaN alliance with eSouth Africa, eCyprus and eMalaysia, which has been great allies to the eAustralia as of recently. The Australian Defence is the National Army, but they coordinate with all military units to make sure everyone is down with what is being done.

The eAustralian is a quite small nation but with a very loyal population, there are mostly older players as newcomers is hard to keep while being wiped. They have an active core and it’s an easy place to make yourself known and get involved in.

“Our top three political parties are currently, the Knighthawks Military Council, a great party full of loyal Australians, the Australian Revolutionary Party, good group of active, noob friendly individuals, and the Australian Parliamentary and Communist party both take turns in the third spot usually. Both controversial parties, but I have to see, each does have some great and productive people in it, and for that, I'm always happy to have them around.”-irule777

As far as I’ve heard, the overall feeling about the eUK is positive or at least not negative! The fact that there’s a strong natural bond between our two countries doesn’t hurt our in game relationship.


The current Country President of eAustralia. He was eborn on the 24th of July 2011 and has for the last 11 terms been a part of the Cabinet. He first ran for president in November 2012 and again in December 2012 but first became Country President this term!

The current eAustralian MoFA for Europe. He was eborn on the 3rd of July 2011 and has since then been a congressman in four different countries, the eAustralia, the eUK, the ePhilippines and the eUSA. He has also been the Country President of eAustralia and he really likes the eUK!

Is currently a congress member, Co-Minister of Defence and ADF Marshal. The ebirthday of Binda33 is the 11th of June 2009 and is often involved in various cabinets and congress.

Was eborn on the 7th of May 2009 and has since then been involved in many cabinets and is currently a Senior Adviser to the Country President.

Best regards,
Kapten Johnson