[MoFA-Ambassador] O Canada! From Sea to Sea

Day 1,980, 01:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kapten Johnson

For the last few months now eCanada has been plagued by war with eSpain and more recently, for example, helped eArgentina with their attack on us and the commotion in eSweden and eFinland.

"We have good relationships with many countries, some closer than others. Our strongest ties at this time would be our fellow Asgard members as well as Ireland. As for our neighbours, we are still in the process of rekindling our Broliance with the eUS and have many friends there although there is still some resentment amongst a few due to past incidents." -Homer J Simpson

"The Military Units of Canada are a well-oiled, well-supplied machine. What they lack in numbers they more than make up for in ferocity and determination. Each MU has their own traits, supplies, command structures, etc. but if I went to far into that, then you would need another article all together." -I-Bleed-Blue-93

eCanada consists of a good mix of old and new, who gets much support to become active, it's also an extremely active community who communicates through IRC, forums and the in-game features.

By talking to a couple of members of the eCanadian cabinet I got the impression that there is no real hate towards the eUK just old in-game habits and the close positioning of our two countries.


Homer J Simpson
Currently the country president and has been elected congress member 16 times. His ebirthday is the 9th of april 2009 and he started playing in eAustralia.

He has held various minister positions in the past and is currently the Minister of Information. He was eborn on the 20th of september 2009.

Eborn on the 3rd of april 2010. Currently the Minister of Defense as he has been for three consecutive terms now and has also been Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for a term.

Current Minister of Foreign Affairs, as he has been under several Country Presidents. He was eborn on the 15th of may 2012.

Best Regards,
Kapten Johnson