[MoF] Month's End: the value of eBelgium

Day 1,079, 09:57 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

Dear eBelgian citizens,

As Theneka called my previous article “cheap”, it’s payback time; and he’s forced to read this whole wall of text from top to end.
I have just completed an overview of all assets and their value of eBelgium, so that we know exactly what our current financial value is. I guess this is a historical unique report for eBelgium (and probably all other eCountries); and I can announce that our total current value is approximately 1678.84 GOLD. This includes all (foreign) currencies, the value of our state companies, licenses, stock, state accounts, etc. I will provide details in the remainder of this article. I decided not to publish an overview, but to ‘tell’ what’s in it. I know it’s still boring, but it’s less boring that a huge pile of numbers.

Fixed assets: 646 GOLD
I have split our fixed assets into organizations, newspapers and companies. We own 6 organizations and 3 newspapers. The state companies count 10 Q1 companies (of which 3 raw material companies) and 1 Q3 company. The amount of licenses above the initial one (where you start the company) is 12. Note that I have counted these as 20 GOLD each: while some might have been bought at 5 GOLD, their value is more (especially when you want to sell a company).

Current assets - stocks: 205.50 GOLD
Stocks can be divided in products to be sold (including raw materials in raw material companies) and stocks or raws in manufacturing companies (cannot be sold anymore). The value of our produced goods and raws is 186.69 GOLD; most noteworthy are the value of houses in stock (77.13 GOLD) and Q1 air units (62.47 GOLD).
The value of the raw materials in the manufacturing companies, waiting to be converted into products is 18.81 GOLD.

Current assets – cash in State Companies Organizations: 160.54 GOLD
All cash in the state companies, used to pay wages or earned by selling goods, amount to 86.12 GOLD. Most of this amount consists of BEF (4,521.29 BEF, worth 81.38 GOLD). The money in the State Company Organizations equals 61.25 GOLD, and Citizen.info holds another 13.17 GOLD (solely consisting of BEF). Note that money in the state companies “Belgian Military Weapons” and “Mil.Be Iron HIGH WELLNESS ONLY” is not included here, because this is classified and only the Ministry of National Security has access (stocks etc. are included because they are publicly visible in eRepublik).

Current assets – cash in NBB-BNB: 556.88 GOLD
Our national bank, the NBB-BNB, holds the biggest reserves of cash. A huge diversity of GOLD, local and foreign currencies, is stored here with a total value of 566.88 GOLD. Biggest amounts are 396.62 GOLD and 8,501.32 BEF. Of the latter, an amount of 7,000 BEF (value: 126 GOLD) is on the monetary market to protect our exchange rate.

Current assets – cash in state accounts: 109.92 GOLD
The last source of value for eBelgium is situated in the – by game-mechanics fixed – state accounts of eBelgium. The amount there is traditionally as small as possible to protect our money against attacks (if a region is lost, the attacker obtains an part of the national treasury). Game-mechanics do require to keep a certain minimum of local currency to pay the new citizens fee, and therefore the biggest amount is BEF (value of 97.99 GOLD). Foreign currencies (worth 2.25 GOLD) and some GOLD (9.67 GOLD) bring the total value of the national treasury on 109.92 GOLD.

Income and Expenses last month: About donations and MPPs
While I’m at it, I would also like to mention a few words on the income and expenses of last month. The biggest (and in fact the only) expense was made on the MPPs with Russia and later Serbia, as we paid for both sides. However, this is giving us some good daily battles; something I want to congratulate our President MaryamQ and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Theneka and ThomasRED) on. Long time, we have discussed and agreed on the need of such MPPs, and finally it is in place. However, the biggest congratulations should go to all of you, because of the huge amount that has been raised through donations. Our current MPPs will expire only after quite a while (Russia expires in 8 days, Serbia in 21 days), but you are still encouraged to donate currency to NBB-BNB when you can miss some! Only thanks to your donations, this country now gets daily battles.

I hope this has given you all some insights in your country and your finances; because the eBelgium assets are – in fact – your assets.

Kind regards,
Your MoF (with a bit of a headache now after looking this all up…)