[MoF] Ministry of Finance: Report 2 (February)

Day 2,650, 15:15 Published in Pakistan Croatia by Pakistan eRepublik

Assalam o Alaikum
Fellow Countryman. I am pamadapa, the current Minister of Finance/MoF (Governor according to eRepublik).
We are in the Mid-Term (TheJakal Government), this is the 2nd Report in the month of February and this Article intend to inform citizens situation in the economy of our eCountry and make it absolutely transparent economic process.
This report covers the eDay 2635 to 2648

You can access the last report of MoF on the following link >[MoF] Ministry of Finance: Report 1 (February)

I will proceed to report the economic situation and the evolution of the economy during this days. To be better understood will divide it into sections:



First Half of Term (eDay 2635 to 264😎
Tax Revenues: 6,131.45 PKR
Average daily tax revenue: 437.96 PKR

In the following graph you can see the evolution of revenue

eDay 2635: We recover our Punjab region. eDay 2636: We recover our Sindh region. eDay 2648: We conquered Kerala region


The total expenses at moment was 123,507 PKR, spending as described below:

»» MPP: 20,000 PKR
Signed with USA
Signed with Latvia

»» Sindh RW: 15,000 PKR

»» Airstrike: 66,667 PKR
AS law propossal

»» War whit India: 21,840 PKR


eDay 2634 started with Country Treasury 25.01 Gold and 294,561.25 PKR
eDay 2648, end of First Half of Term the Pakistan Treasury is 214,025.70 PKR. In relation to Gold, the value remains constant at 25.01

In the next picture you can see a summary


With the utilization of ORGs We obtained some benefits, which was of great help to solve some expenses that we faced in this month. You can see in the picture below, the financial situation of our ORGs after using money they have in them in War


My personal goal to achieve as MoF is transparency by way of information, manage and efficiently use the money of Pakistan

I want to talk a little about most important issues what happened to the first half of the month. As you know, our defense against attack India and Airstrike was a success (That is something we should all be proud), we won both military campaigns. In relation to Finance, I would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who spend money out of pocket for the end result was that we got. Each of us within our means we did the best we could give, and that was why the expenses were not as high as it should have been. The important thing is these wars were useful for all of us, as it is these days we increased activity in our IRC channel and hoping that continue, providing fun for all.

I want to remind you that before proposing a law (whatever) you can contact the Contry President (TheJakal) (the most responsible and driver of our destination this month). Often propose laws without prior dialogue and a true analysis, rather than providing solutions, generate a problem, no one doubts the good will and intentions that drive the act of proposing a law, but a brief chat is always useful before taking any decision.

Our revenues through taxes revenues remain very low, the country needs more economic activity in our market. We have very competitive prices compared with production bonus with other countries, possibly changes to take forward in tax rates (we are still evaluating what would be the most fair for all and to find a good balance) and for that reason and as I recall every article ...

I ask citizens seeking employment in the "Job Market" of ePakistan, buy goods in the "Marketplace of ePakistan" and if possible to ePakistanis. This brings a whole benefit and activates the economy of our citizens and increased revenue collection of our Country.

As a goal for the ORG "State Bank of Pakistan" was the first profit use it to rename it, but before the events of war, we prefer to use those 50 Gold (those needed to change the name) and it was a priority to defend our regions.

So here is all for now and thanks for your attention (apologies for my poor English language)

We need every Pakistani who is living in another eCountry, talk with them and invite to return to their motherland.
Only achieve a prosperous eCountry by working together. Everything for the benefit of ePakistan and its people.


If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, you are free to give your opinion in this informative article or send me PM. You can also find me on IRC Channels: #Pakistan or #ThunderJF-17. I can also provide tips (if you need them) about where to invest and how best strength.
So here is all for now and thanks for your attention (apologies for my poor English language)

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