[MoF] Ministerial Report September

Day 1,412, 06:54 Published in Singapore Spain by CarballoCQ

Respected citizens.

I am CarballoCQ, your Minister of Finance.

I will proceed to report the economic situation and the evolution of the economy during this month.

I. Revenue.

Our main income comes from tax revenues, although speculation in the currency market has resulted in increased our revenue.

The increase in resources the country has been of 33 Gold, 20000 SGD discounting (40 Gold) were used for the signature of 2 PPM.

That is, in absolute terms, our resources increased 73 Gold.

II. Expenses.

As mentioned above, expenditure of 20000 has been signed SGD in 2 MPP:

a. http://www.erepublik.com/es/Singapore/law/83038
b. http://www.erepublik.com/es/Singapore/law/83146

III. Balance.

The country's gold has increased by 4%. Our revenues are held constant, and our economy improves.

From here, I call upon all citizens to maintain the money market (SGD currency) asset. That is, they post offers to sell and selling gold coin, for there are always offers and have a stable currency.

I want to take this opportunity to ask the President about the budget that seeks to establish. As set an estimate, please report them to me, like everything related to expenses in the country.

Ministry of Finance of Singapore.
Country Treasure: http://singaporeaccount.tk/