[MoF] Mid term report from the Finance Ministry

Day 1,559, 10:47 Published in India Estonia by Kismu

Ministry provided a report in end of week 1. It can be seen here.

This report is divided into following Sections

1. INR Loan Status
2. Transcation details (Except Purchases)
3. Purchases Details
4. Products Status
5. Assets Status
6. Making Sense of all this

1. INR Loan Status

Amount outstanding at the start of term : 538025
Amount Issued this term : 1192000
Amount Recovered from all loans this term : 725891.7

Current Outstanding Loans : 1,029,740.7265 INR (<<< Look 1 Million)

Detailed Statement:
Loans that have been cleared.

Loans that are still pending

2. Transaction Details

Complete detail of transactions

3. Purchases

The Govt has been buying, for various reason, for NDA, for MoMC and for storing. Here is the complete details of all purchases made till now. Special Thanks to mekong whisky for donating 300 Q6 weapons to Indian Govt.

4. Products Tracks

So the govt purchased so many things. What happened to them? Where is it and where did it all go?
Special Thanks to Ashwamedh for agreeing to hold 5000 Q6 tanks with him for the govt, until the need for them arise.

5. Assets

Finally, what are our current assets?

6. Making Sense

Now that you have seen lotta numbers, let me try and simplify crudely on the financial activities.
Start of Term CBI Had : 484669.31
CBI Received : 99999 * 4 Donations from Treasury = 399996
So CBI Virtually had : 884665.31
CBI Currently Has : 129993.96
CBI owes : -26878.11
Diff in Loan in Start and Now : 501715.72
Purchases : 296589.81
Total : 901421.38
Difference = 16756.07 <= This is the amount we have earned due to Interest from Loans.

Disclaimer : In case you find there are some data not accurate, please point them. I will try and correct them.

End of Statement.