[MoF] End of Term Report

Day 1,569, 06:02 Published in India Estonia by Kismu

Ministry provided a report in end of week 1 and a mid term report.

Here is the end of term / start of next term report.

This report is divided into following Sections

1. INR Loan Status
2. Gold Loan Status
3. Transcation details (Except Purchases)
4. Purchases Details
5. Products Status
6. Storage Status
7. Assets Status
8. Budget Comparison

1. INR Loan Status

Amount outstanding at the start of term : 538,025
Amount Issued this term : 1,439,000
Amount Recovered from all loans this term : 1,250,739.9

Current Outstanding Loans : 770,525.18

Detailed Statement:
Loans that have been cleared.

Loans that are still pending

*Please note that trojan, me and Rebelash have requested for extension for the partial loan repayment. I plan to repay the entire loan in the next interest update period.

2. Gold Loans

There has been not much change in the gold loans, though few people have already repaid the entire amount. Here are the details.

3. Transaction Details

Complete detail of transactions since the previous report

4. Purchases

The Govt has been buying, for various reason, for NDA, for MoMC and for storing. Here is the complete details of all purchases made till now.

*All Purchases from aslakki and me as merged into single record.

5. Products Tracks

So the govt purchased so many things. What happened to them? Where is it and where did it all go?
Special Thanks to Ashwamedh and Mohanfor agreeing to hold Q6 tanks with them for the govt, until the need for them arise.

6. Storage Staus

The details of where different govt. items are currently stored

* The items people are holding will be less than what has been metioned here, people have been dispatching. To know the exact number that person is holding, please contact them.

7. Assets

Finally, what are our current assets?

* The money against my Name is just approximation error.

8. Budget Comparisions
The ministry prepared a budget in the start of the term. Here is the detailed comparision of the budget and actual spending.

This term, we have gone Negative in both INR and gold holdings. This is due to the increased purchase of weapons for War related activities.

Starting now, the new Minister of Finance will be Rebelash. Please contact him for any queries for this term. If you queries related previous term, do contact me.

Disclaimer : In case you find there are some data not accurate, please point them. I will try and correct them.

End of Statement.