[MoF] - December Report 1: Take 3

Day 1,843, 10:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

November Term:

Report 1: Last Month and this month to come - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-november-report-1-last-month-and-this-month-to-come-2153891/1/20
Report 2: A Quick Note - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-november-report-2-a-quick-note-2155165/1/20
Report 3: We Make Money From Taxes? - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-november-report-3-we-make-money-from-taxes--2158932/1/20
Report 4: Everything There is To Show - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-november-report-4-everything-there-is-to-show-2162055/1/20

October Term:

Report 1: Introductory Stats - http://tinyurl.com/cv4eldm
Report 2: 1000 Gold – What to do with it? - http://tinyurl.com/caae6t4
Report 3: Why no Update? - http://tinyurl.com/bpx2uju
Report 4: The start of the MM! Training Grounds? - http://tinyurl.com/cy5yd2j
Report 5: Over Half Way Now - http://tinyurl.com/cnx9ruo

The End of Term Report and The Start of The December Term

Hello all,

Here is my end of term wrap up. I was going to be posting an article on the CP candidates and their policies on the financial side of things. However I got some of my answers just a little bit before the debate and after seeing that it made all the questions slightly redundant as most had already been answered! Thank you to BA and CD for taking the time to reply to them though!

As of the first day of this term here are the stats for the accounts (To make it easy to refer back to at a later date):

Country Account: £227,141.00
Reserve (In MM): £2,144,608.00

All data was taken from day change. This may be released slightly later into the day as it seems I need to go to work before I will finish this, but the data was taken right at the start of the term.

Below I will show the expenses SINCE the last report I released. Please see the November expenses in this report here for the complete set (combine the two):


Before anyone states it, I know this is Talon’s 4th term, however only his 2nd this time around and 2nd with me as MoF 😃

As you can see many MPPs and a small cost from the Strikes and CtAs. I do not yet know what to predict for this month as I have not spoken to BA about the military side of things. Remember the costing were low this month because we had tanks left over from the BEF which covered things for a while. I would also like to see us move from IRC strikes to a form based strike which would also include people coming on IRC to brag about their damage. This would allow non IRC players to get tanks while hopefully still maintaining the community feel, maybe even improving it as people are not spamming links.

That is a talk for another time however!

Now, taxes and the MM?

The MM did nothing for long periods of this term. Because they dropped below the 333.33 limit twice (even though it was for VERY short periods of time) it caused the offers to be cancelled on the market. It made us no profit until just a handful of days ago when it started cashing out again. Sadly because it has hovered around the £90 mark we are only making just under £60 per gold whereas in October we were getting a good £150. I have streamlined my method so that I now cash out more gold (when it is stable) so hopefully this term we should start seeing good amounts cashing out. Large chunks of our reserve begin to cash out in five days so keep an eye open!

Taxes have pretty much sat at around the £8200 level per day for a while now. To see if this coming term is likely to be the same I may have an apprentice watch the taxes on a daily basis at a certain time and release a report themselves on that. If you are interested in that, please contact me.

As you can see we are very close to £2.4M. I will be in talks with BA about that over the next few days and hopefully next report I can come to you with a target for the month.

If you have any idea on how you would like our MM earnings to be spent (I do not like to sponsor using the MM cash to balance our daily books but more of a splurge every now and then so we do not find ourselves losing out if the markets change massively if the admins do make this change) then just post below or send me a message!

I am in a bit of a rush today but as it is the first report of the term I really would like to get it out today; if you see any spelling errors or the likes, please just PM me!

I do love getting mails so if you have any queries, be sure to send me a message.

Thanks all,
