[MoF] Budget for May 2019

Day 4,187, 00:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

we bring you a short overview of the budget for May. More details, as usual, can be found in the Finance Sheet. Amongst other standard things, you can now also find summary of our incomes and expenses, graphs and economic indicators there.

The budget for this month will be 719 526 currency based on the income from April. The income can be divided into following categories:

- Tax income: Adding all taxes combined together, our tax income in April has been 442 133 currency.
- Donations: No donations to our treasury have been made, so income from them was 0 currency.
- Concession payment: As usual, the concession payment was 100 000 currency.
- Monetary Market gains: In April, MG was able to earn 177 393 currency on Monetary Market.

The graphical development of our budget and its individual parts for year 2019 can be found below:

If you have any questions, please let them to be heard in the comments!

Minister of Finance

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