[MoEnt] eUK Christmas Tree & Caption Competition

Day 2,217, 12:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

It's getting close to that time of year again; Christmas. We have managed to get a big old Christmas tree for the eUK, however we need help decorating it.

So we want you to create your own bauble* to put onto the tree. On the 20th of December, the tree will be erected and all the sumbitted bauble's will be placed on the tree

*You can create and submit up to 3

You can use this template here to create your bauble, or you can create your own. The bauble can be as big as you like, as it will be resized when being add to the tree if needed.

When you are done with it, upload it to a image hosting website such as http://tinypic.com/, then send me the link via private message: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/messages-compose/7814307

Everyone that submits a bauble will receive a small present.

Caption Competition

I was asked to run a Caption Competition by LongShotzZ, and as he is paying for it, I thought why not!

So, all you have to do is comment a caption for the image below.

Prizes are:
1st - 300cc
2nd - 250cc
3rd - 200cc

Caption competition ends on day 2120 @ 00:00 eRepublik time.

Stay Awesome,
Super Llama
Minister Of Entertainment