[MoE] Military Module - Guide Book #2

Day 2,129, 04:43 Published in Japan Japan by Hitoyoshi


The Divisions
The players are classified in 4 divisions :
1. Levels 1 to 24 (necessary xp points = 0)
2. Levels 25 to 29 (necessary xp points = 5 000)
3. Levels 30 to 36 (necessary xp points = 25 000)
4. Level 37 and more (necessary xp points = 60 000)

How to win a battle
When a country have 1 800 points, he win the round. Each victory of a division is important, because theirs points are added. Here is the scale of the divisions :

Division 1 - 1 Campaign Points
Division 2 - 2 Campaign Points
Division 3 - 3 Campaign Points
Division 4 - 5 Campaign Points

If a division have 1 800 points in 90 minutes, the next round will begin only when the others divisions finish. So the 4 divisions always begin their round in the same time. The first country who have 83 campaign points (or more) win.

Search a battle

You have 2 solutions to search a battle :

The Campaign Order change for each country where you are located.

See if you can fight in a battle

Foremost, you have to see if the country, where you are located, have a Mutual Protection Pact with the country that you want to fight.

For example, if you are in the eUSA :

So if you see the battle in the category "All campaigns", you'll have to move. It's very easy to do : Go to your profile.

Click on change for the location (#1), choose a country to move (#2), a region (#3) and click to move. After the choice of country/region, you can see the travelling cost (#4).

PS : If you want to fight in a Resistance War, you have to move in the occupant country.

How to fight

In a campaign, you can see the detail of points by division and the progression of battles by division in the currently round (#1). In battle, there are the Battle Heros (#2) in each camp. Everytime in a round, you see your damage (#3) and the progession of the bar influence in your division (#4). When the bar in your country / ally is greater than the other country, your division earn points every minute as follows:

10 points per minute for the first 30 minutes of the round
20 points (30 minutes - 1 h)
30 points (1h - 1h30)
60 points in the last 30 minutes

The time (#5), elapsed since the start of the round for your division (max. 2 hours), is visible below the influence bar.

When you fight, your military rank (#6) progress too. Don't worry to know where do you have to click to fight (#7) : it's very big and red 😁

If you have anymore energy (#10), click on the food (#8 ) or go to buy it. During a fight, you can change (#11) your weapon (#9) and kill your enemy (#12).

You will see a number to the right to say you if there are a Combat Order (#13) in this round. A Combat Order allows to win some money in exchange for the damage you do during the battle. For example : 70 JPY by millions.

And you can see the detail (#14) of the TOP 5 by division and by battle in the campaign.

PS: There are 7 types of weapon :

Former articles :
[MoE] Goals for this month
[MoE] The daily tasks - Guide Book #1

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