[MoDaFA] War, affairs of the foreign nature, and civil unrest.

Day 669, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

The purpose of this article is to inform you, the public, over affairs, both internal, and external that affect these isles. I'll try and keep it as unbiased as possible, but I can't promise complete objectivity.

The war in North America

The war in North America has become what is essentially attrition warfare. With the state of the war module as it is, and game mechanics restricting an America counter attack, Russia is able to continually attack states over and over, without needing to win any. As a result we see a WWI situation, where no one really wins. Ever since the initiative turned around in this war, over a week ago, with the battle for New Jersey, and the Colombian stratagem, our Russian allies have been able to keep on the offensive, winning enough states to force a border with the USA's fortress state, Florida. Ever since this border was established, the American public has been awaiting an attack on their fortress, which has not come yet. It is widely predicted to come at some point; whether or not those predictions will come true is yet to be seen,

But what makes Florida special? In the eRepublik war module, the size of the wall you see when you press fight is determined by 2 factors. Population of the region to be attacked, and the presence of a defence system. Now, Florida has a population of 9306 at 8:04 eRep time on day 669. This number is steadily increasing, as more players join the game. Combine this huge number of citizens, with a quality 5 defence system, and you have a wall that is over 1.2million points strong, and costs over 2,000 gold to attack. The potential gold expenditure on either side to secure it, either in favour of the attacking or defending side, boggles the mind. If/when this attacked is launched, it will be safe to say it will be the largest battle in eRepublik history. I am only saddened by the fact that I may not be able to be there. due to congressional commitments.

But Necrosis, I'm stuck in the UK! Fear not, young one, there are options available. Join the eUK's military; for more information, see The military page. Benefits of the military involve seeing exotic places, meeting interesting people, and killing them. The community is rather awesome as well; the Navy boys in particular are a talkative lot. Join up, I can't recommend it enough.

You mentioned affairs, pics or it didn't happen. Was she hot?

Oh you. Foreign affairs is what I meant, drag your mind out of the gutter.

It's been a fairly unremarkable term thus far with regards to foreign affairs. There hasn't been the giant shifts in opinion that have characterised previous terms; by and large everything is fairly plain sailing. A notable exception to this is the signing of a Non-Aggression Pact with Canada. This goes some distance to fixing relations understandably damaged by the joining of PEACE, and the occupation of several Canadian regions. This contract basically says that neither country can occupy another's territory, nor can they allow passage wilfully through their regions, so other nations may attack (for an example of this, see Colombia going up through Mexico to the USA).

Civil unrest? Are those damn commies attempting to revolt, Sir?

Not at all, my good man, not at all. Although some of the commies are rather revolting. There have been two such cases, and I will explain them below.

House of Lords. The House of Lords is an organisation set up many months ago, to act as what is essentially an oversight body for the elected House of Commons. In their current form, they cannot outright block a piece of legislation for ever, only for 2 votes. After that it bypasses the House of Lords, and goes straight into the statue books. At around 8PM tonight, if the vote stands as it currently is, this will happen, and the oversight body that is the House of Lords will be no more. I personally feel that abolishing the Lords is a mistake, but evidently, I am in the minority. I also attribute some of the vitriol levelled towards the institution as based on real life prejudices against the RL body of the same name.

Impeachment proposal. As you will see by looking at the recent events, there was an attempt by a disgruntled congressman to impeach GLaDOS. Now, due to game mechanics, I'd be the guy who'd take over in the event of GLaDOS being impeached (The person who came second in the elections automatically gets the presidency in cases of impeachment). With that in mind, I still voted no. GLaDOS is doing a fair job in running the country right now, and the movement to impeach was voted into the top rated media by Americans seeking to cause unrest, and started by someone whom I believe to me an American operative. This is neither here nor there; the reasons presented for impeachment were essentially wrong, and covered with populist rhetoric. Apparently the government is a 'junta'. News to me. Wingfield, the individual who started the motion, claims that 5 yes votes is a great victory for himself. I personally would like to point him to the fat that the last 4 'joke' impeachments have all received the same number of votes or more, yes votes than this. Hardly a victory.

The continuing issue of PEACE membership. This is less a civil unrest thing, and more a continuing debate. Debate is great; propaganda is not, learn the difference, people. This debate does however just go and go, doesn't it? Some people complain as they have the personal bone to pick with PEACE GC. This is fine; I kindly ask that you do it elsewhere, you only serve to hurt your cause now. Some people feel that we no longer control our own affairs. Again, not true. I can tell you, as the guy dealing with pretty much all that, that the UK decides the UK's fate. That it is otherwise is a popular lie spread by our enemies. Now, the third reason, and a reason I can identify with, and understand, is the dislike of large alliances, and a wish to return to the days of smaller alliances. I understand your frustrations, really, I do, But that situation is never sustainable in a game like this. It's been tried, and it leaves us with a situation where people club together and take out someone else. However, I digress from the purpose of this article; If theres demand I'll be willing to write an article on the subject.

The end

Phew! A little on the tl'dr side there, I apologise. A worthy read I feel, for citizens who wish to stay informed about the eUK.

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs