(MoDA) Opening Statements

Day 2,056, 19:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

Hello everyone, this is your Minister of Domestic Affairs AdUnit speaking. I am here to assist all players both young and old and if you have any questions/suggestions feel free to message me and I'll point you in the right direction. Now on to the important part, the priorities of this term.

1st and foremost, I'm looking for a hardworking assistant to help me with various small projects and be an Assistant to the MoDA (Office reference). Your daily duties also will include executing a new player outreach system and bringing me coffee everyday. If interested, please message AdUnit ASAP.

Secondly, Badger06 had a pretty entertaining quiz game several months ago where the winner(s) received prizes. I'm pro-fun and will attempt to somewhat duplicate this idea because it is as great as Badger06 is. Look for future updates on this event.

Lastly but most importantly, we want to help out those in need and/or those who are lower level. I want to be able to perform daily drops for a large amount of active lower level players but I won't be able to do so without the publics help. We will be taking Zar/Weapon/Food donations at the appropriate time. Please start saving up for it now, directions on where to donate will be posted ASAP.

Let's make this a great term everybody and let's have a great month!