[MoD] When Ireland needs you will YOU be there?

Day 784, 17:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Let him who desires peace prepare for war. - Flavius Vegetius Renatus

The quotation sums up the Irish Defence Forces.

We are not imperialistic troops who fight for the winning side just to reap the benefits from the losers.

We are better than that.

We do not allow other nations to intimidate us and use us in region swaps in order to cause pain and suffering to their enemies.

We are better than that.

We do not take other nation's regions for better quality raw materials for the use of our citizens and others.

We are better than that.

We do not fight if we do not feel the cause is just, despite threats.

We are better than that.

We are different from the rest, were independent. We do not answer to alliances, we do not do what were told when threatened.

If the time comes to fight for Ireland will you be there?

If invaders walk on our soil and defile our land will you be there?

When your houses are burning will you be there?

When Dublin is burning will you be there?

Join the Irish Defence Forces today and make sure YOU are there for Ireland in its time of need.Links for joining are below.

Why join now? We are not being invaded...

With nations falling all around us, we must make sure we are prepared for the worst in case we actually are invaded. Rallying around our flag will also boost are community and make us look stronger thus reducing our likelyness of invasion.

Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail. - Unknown



1. Download the Orders Script for your respective division here.

2. Friend request the Department of Defence so you can listen to the shouts

3. Fight in the wargames until instructed otherwise via article, orders script, shout or pm.

4.Follow this routine every day:
Train > Fight down to 40-50 wellness > Use hospital > Work

Thank you for reading/watching,

Niall H - MoD
Sean Power - Chief of Staff

Not Signed up? Sign up here

Download the new orders script here, to know what your division is doing!