[MoD] The War with the UK, why we are choosing to be neutral...

Day 789, 18:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence
Ireland is Neutral in the UK conflict and will NOT be deploying
I know there is many questions you all want the answers too, I'm here to give them.

Why? I thought we were bound by the Raleigh Treaty!

No were not it's void. End of. There has been way too much HYPE about this treaty lately.
Although it doesn't mean our relations are.

But the UK is one of our closest allies!!!!

Yes and so was the USA when they got invaded and we stayed neutral then. YES I CAN BRING THIS INTO IT, It may have been a different administration but it was still done by Ireland.

What do both these wars have in common?

Alliance based conflicts

Ireland does not get involved in alliance based conflicts. This is because these wars are to do with quarells between the major alliance. Why get involved and create problems with the alliances? There is plenty other wars to deploy and fight in. We do not need to get involved in these wars, as they hold no relevence to Ireland as a country and possibly could cause rifts with other countries.

Ireland on the other hand does get involved in wars helping out countries hit by unprovoked attacks ,despite alliance. Also we have helped with the liberation of regions held by oppresors such as the Indian held regions.

We fought for Indian Independence.
We fought for the Finns when attacked unprovoked.
We fought for Malaysia when Indonesia invaded.

How does that relate to our Neutrality in the UK invasion?

It would be idiotic to say this attack is unprovoked

As we stayed neutral in the wars in the USA we will stay neutral here. What the UK wants to do Foreign Policy wise doesn't matter to us, unless it relates to us. You may say "If the UK falls, so will Ireland," I very much doubt this as we have not done anything to provoke it and if we were invaded, i'm pretty sure many people would defend us.

So, stop trying to make us feel guilty, with articles and the such. That is only weakening relations.

Ireland and the UK will still be friends.



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Thank you for reading/watching,

Niall H - MoD
Sean Power - Chief of Staff

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