[MoD] Summary of the Strike

Day 1,890, 07:46 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie

Zondag werd er een strike gehouden door eIreland en eNetherlands in de battle om eCanada te beschermen in Newfoundland. Er waren 43 mensen op komen dagen om mee te doen. Het was gezellig en we hopen dat we het vaker kunnen doen en dat de mensen die nu niet konden dan wel mee kunnen doen. We willen eIreland bedanken dat we mee mochten doen.

Divisie 1

Ian Coleman vertegenwoordigde Div 1! alleen ;__;

Divisie 2

Yfke van de Zand, Marcus Valerius Maximianus, asecondchance, Nictefa en eRepTrader namen alle glorie opzich in Div2!

Divisie 3

Seanan, Broersje, Darragh Davis, Bloggup namen bijna alle eer op zich!

MrConway - http://prntscr.com/ptzvy

Divisie 4

James Keiller en DimlightHero hebben Div4 omhoog gehit!

Joep O - http://prntscr.com/pu0ll
Uljanov - http://prntscr.com/pu0ni
071leiden - http://prntscr.com/pu0r8
Arjans Town - http://prntscr.com/pu0w2
Winston Hope Smith - http://prntscr.com/pu16x
Lexone - http://snag.gy/xQGbk.jpg
ElGorro - http://i49.tinypic.com/2elfej5.jpg

Soldiers be prepared,

Kamp amersfoort, Minister van Defensie
Dave Brinkman, Staatssecretaris van Defensie


This Sunday eIreland and the eNetherlands performed a Joint Strike in defence of Canada in Newfoundland. We had a packed #Irisharmy with 43 players taking part in the Joint Strike; the night was a laugh and hopefully we'll do another joint strike in the future for those who missed this time! We want to thank eIreland that we could participate

Division 1

Ian Coleman representing Div 1! Alone ;__;

Division 2

Yfke van de Zand, Marcus Valerius Maximianus, asecondchance, Nictefa and eRepTrader taking all the glory in Div2!

Division 3

Seanan, Broersje, Darragh Davis, Bloggup almost taking all the glory if it wasn't for that pesky Canadian!

MrConway - http://prntscr.com/ptzvy

Division 4

James Keiller and DimlightHero hitting up Div4!

Joep O - http://prntscr.com/pu0ll
Uljanov - http://prntscr.com/pu0ni
071leiden - http://prntscr.com/pu0r8
Arjans Town - http://prntscr.com/pu0w2
Winston Hope Smith - http://prntscr.com/pu16x
Lexone - http://snag.gy/xQGbk.jpg
ElGorro - http://i49.tinypic.com/2elfej5.jpg

Soldiers be prepared,

Kamp amersfoort, Minister of Defense
Dave Brinkman, Staatssecretaris of Defense

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